From the East
Matthew Mason - Worshipful Master

What a second month!
February started with the Annual Roll Call Dinner. It was catered by Sampino’s with a wonderful Italian dinner with chicken, tortellini, and salad. We had nearly 50 brothers and family members in attendance—the largest I have seen in some time. After a wonderful ceremony put together by Kitty and Worshipful Richard Wilson, PM, we enjoyed a full, but speedy meeting getting out only 5 minutes late at 8:35 pm.
Then we capped the month by initiating now Brother Joaquin Lopez with the First Degree of Masonry in our Lodge. It is always a moving event and the Officers did a wonderful job presenting the degree. And I must call out Brother William Workman who sat in the East in great fashion and delivered a moving First Degree lecture. This festive event was capped with a treat of some cake to toast the night.
Our Stated Meeting will be on March 7th at 7:30 PM with dinner starting at 6:00 PM. Wives and family members are always welcome and enjoy a free dinner (Lodge members donate $10 each). Following dinner, while the Brethren are in their expedited meeting, Venessa Mason will lead a tour to guests and family members of the temple for those who have not seen it yet (or want to see it again). The tour starts at 7:30 PM.
I hope to see you at the lodge in the month of March!

From the West
Joseph Wallach - Senior Warden

Greetings, Brethren.
Entering upon March, I see the greenery and feel the luck of the Irish welling up within me.
The thing about luck is that there are decidedly two variations, one good and one bad. I have had experience with both and, as with most things in life, there is a balance.
It’s important to not become so consumed by one that we cannot see the other. In experiencing good fortune, it is important not to neglect our duties as well as the understanding that all things that have a beginning also have an end. The aforementioned is also true of misfortune: do not become mired in what will most assuredly pass.
The story of Freemasonry is also embedded with a duality of Fortunes. Masons have one another to rejoice in each other’s good fortunes as well as lifting a Brother up when he is down. A guide and a path to follow, to lead on to the light when one finds themselves in the darkest of places.
Traveling along a smooth path and gentle grade allows one to enjoy the moment with little thought of what might lie ahead, but be confident that when the path becomes rough and rugged you will know what to do and that it’s only for a moment.
I will end with an Irish Blessing.
May the road rise to meet you,
may the wind always be at your back,
may the sun shine warm upon your face
and rains fall softly upon your fields.
I look forward to seeing everyone at our meeting this month.

From the South
William Workman - Junior Warden

The Third Principal Tenet of Masonry: Truth
These words should sound familiar to us all:
“To be good and true are the first lessons we are taught in Masonry. We join in promoting each other’s welfare and rejoicing in each other’s prosperity. “
Of course, George Washington had something to say about this tenant in the following quote. How blessed we are to live in such a country to have been founded by men like this who were influenced by the principles of Freemasonry and resisted all temptation to oppress and exploit. They truly were steadfast to the virtues of the Craft and to the obligation that makes good men better:
“Flattering as it may be to the human mind and truly honorable… that the milder virtues of the heart are highly respected by a Society whose liberal principles must be founded in the immutable laws of truth and justice…to enlarge the sphere of social happiness is worthy the benevolent design of a Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to be wished, that the conduct of every member of the fraternity… that discover the principles which actuate them; may tend to convince mankind that the grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race..” - George Washington, 1793
Washington addressed the philosophical mind state of a Mason as being concerned with the virtues of the heart. A Mason should have a strong sense of compassion and mercy toward his fellow man.
We can see this concept echoed in the Masonic teaching of “Charity” and “Relief”. That is the position of a Mason to relieve the distress of those who are afflicted by strife and to offer a hand of charity to help those who do not have the means to stand for themselves.
This sphere of social happiness is the sphere in which this philosophy spreads into the national character. Washington also addresses that this sphere must exist upon the backbone of truth and justice. This truth and justice is the foundational belief that all man is created equal. It is not the wealth of privilege that creates a higher class of citizens; this was the belief of the world.
In the new world, the virtues of the individual would be the basis for social esteem. So this sphere of happiness could not exist within the old system of belief and government. So it is the true duty of the Mason to shield the oppressed and stand up for justice and truth.
"A Mason shall not stand idly by as his fellow man is exploited by the privileged and powerful." - James Frey
As Brothers of Washington 20, I sincerely, in heart and tongue, hope that we can support each other in building our friendships and encourage each other in our pursuit of truth and happiness as was intended by those who have gone this way before.

Special Announcement
Please join us as we honor
Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM
with the presentation of the
2024 Hiram Award
The Hiram Award is the highest Masonic Honor which can be bestowed upon a Brother who has unselfishly given his time, talents, and energy for the betterment of his Lodge and Freemasonry. It is awarded following many years of devoted service.
Every Lodge has such members.
They are the living cement that binds our Fraternity into a true Brotherhood. You will find them at labor in the coaching rooms and committees – often “behind-the-scenes” – anywhere where a true and steady hand of assistance is needed.

Saturday, May the 4th
Hiram Award Ceremony at 11:00 AM
(Lodge Room)
Followed by Luncheon
Prime Rib, Chicken Cordon Bleu, or Vegetarian
(Banquet Room)
Bossa Nova (Live Music)
Reservations are required for the Reception
Cost: FREE

• 05 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 07 Monthly Stated Meeting Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 07 Monthly Stated Meeting - Past Masters Night (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 14 Annual Bowling with Brothers (Country Club Lanes) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 18 Annual MTAS Board Meeting (Delegates) (Banquet Room) Monday 07:00 PM
• 20 Officers School of Instruction (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
(Third Degree, First Section, Long Form Closing)
• 21 Entered Apprentice Class (Club Room) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 28 DARK Thursday
• 02 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 04 Monthly Stated Meeting Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 04 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 11 Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 17 Officers School of Instruction (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
(Second Degree, Second Section)
• 18 DARK Thursday
• 25 First Degree Mr. Joshua Christopher Valentin (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 30 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
07 Ronald Forsberg (Master Mason)
11 Jared Bishop (Entered Apprentice)
12 James Keehner (Master Mason)
12 Peter Petersen (Master Mason)
13 Heath Hamm (Master Mason)
16 Alexander Chompff (Master Mason)
17 Patrick Fischer (Master Mason)
17 Melvin Pinsler (Master Mason)
18 Daniel Mosier (Fellow Craft)
18 Jeffrey Hardiman (Past Master)
20 Ko Chang (Master Mason)
23 Robert Hovorka Jr. (Master Mason)
23 William Workman (Junior Warden)
24 Ivan Flowers (Entered Apprentice)
24 George Morrow (Master Mason)
25 Michael Mc Glone (Master Mason)
26 Fred Bloom (Master Mason)
26 Paul Evans (Master Mason)
28 John Petersen (Past Master)
28 Gerald Singer (Master Mason)
30 Juan Faranda (Past Master)
30 Eric Van Houten (Master Mason)
30 Christian Wheeler (Master Mason)
08 John Knox (Past Master) (34 Years)
10 Edward Hardman (36 Years)
14 Lucas Zeiher (11 Years)
15 James Ramey (27 Years)
16 Russell Tomas (Past Master) (7 Years)
17 Robert Cole (73 Years)
20 John Petersen (Past Master) (44 Years)
20 Christopher Boothe (10 Years)
21 Kyle Campbell (5 Years)
22 Kelvin Mark (17 Years)
22 John Otten (62 Years)
23 Marcus Bole (18 Years)
23 Arthur Henrikson ( Years)
27 Scott Germer ( Years)
28 Matthew Mason (Worshipful Master) (5 Years)
28 Bradley Mitchell (28 Years)
29 Derek Waterman (12 Years)
31 Christopher Hamilton (Marshal) (6 Years)
31 Ryan Gooch (6 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M.
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
A Philosopher's Quest for Truth and Wisdom
A 52-Week Personal Growth Plan Based on the Teachings of Freemasonry
by Plato
Immerse yourself in the richness of Parmenides' inquiries, as Plato guides you through the labyrinth of metaphysical thought.
This philosophical exploration is not just a historical study; it's an invitation for any Freemason to wrestle with the enduring questions that define the human experience.
In this thought-provoking dialogue, Plato explores complex metaphysical concepts, engaging in a conversation between Parmenides and a young Socrates.
The text delves into the nature of reality, the theory of forms, and the challenges of philosophical inquiry.
The book is part of Plato's extensive collection of dialogues, showcasing his Socratic method of inquiry and philosophical discussions.
Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher and student of Socrates. In "Parmenides," Plato showcases his philosophical prowess and intellectual depth, revealing his enduring influence on Western philosophy and critical thinking.
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Washington Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M.
2024 Officers
Matthew Mason
Worshipful Master
Joseph Wallach
Senior Warden
William Workman
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Ramey Packer
Brandon Jenkins
Senior Deacon
Kevin Hall
Junior Deacon
Christopher Hamilton
Nicholas Johnston
Junior Steward
James Dimmitt
Martin Buff
Mauro Lara (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Joseph Dongo (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
David Lagala (PM)
Inspector 414th Masonic District
Brandon Jenkins
Hall Association Board Director