We lost one of our brothers in May, Brother Randy Brink. He was a cultural icon of our city.
In the days following his passing, I learned about the impact he made on so many people.
Randy was the ambassador of Sacramento, the Senior Director of Pitch for Sacramento Republic FC, the "Mayor" of Sacramento sporting events, a one-time Fire Chief for the Day, a Shriner, a hard-working volunteer, and most of all… our Brother.
Rest in peace, my Brother. Little did I know that I was walking with a legend.

Photo - Having passed the proficiency of the Entered Apprentice degree in February 2016, Brothers Michael Allen, Russell Tomas, and Randy Brink were awarded their very own Certificates of Proficiency during the Stated Meeting on March 3rd, 2016.
Congratulations to Brother Kevin Hall for passing to the Degree of Fellow Craft in April! His excellent proficiency was indicative of his hard work. I hope to see you at your Master Mason ceremony in the coming months.
I also would like to offer felicitations to our new member, Brother Jonathon Brown, Initiated on May 26th. Welcome to the Fraternity! I am grateful to all Officers, Past Masters, and Brethren who participated in such an exceptional evening. Thank you, Right Worshipful Sean Metroka, Senior Grand Warden, for presenting the First Degree Lecture. The Most Worshipful Jeff Wilkins, Grand Master, and Worshipful Jairo Gomez, Assistant Grand Lecturer, also participated, making the Ceremonies all the more special.
For most of the month, June will be dark. Even the Officers School of Instruction will be dark this month!
Fret not, my Brothers. There is still a Masonic event for us.
The Philanthropy Committee worked diligently to give us a community service opportunity with the River City Food Bank. The event will be on Saturday, June 18 at 9:30 AM. If you wish to participate, please let me know. Please join your Brothers in doing our part to support the community around us.
Last month I wrote about living today as if it was the “good old days.” To do that, I took stock of what I have. Of the many great things I have in my life, one of the biggest is my family. June holds a special place in my heart not only because Father’s Day is this month, but also the birthdays of both of my sons and my dad.
People tend to hear two different things from parents. Parents complain about raising children and its many difficulties or elaborate on how great it is having children or both.
I often describe raising my kids as a long and difficult TV show punctuated with small commercials of awesomeness. Raising children is hard, but those brief moments like the first time you hear them say “whoa” after seeing a lion in real life for the first time at the zoo make it all worth it.
There is a quote I heard in my ongoing journey in an Assassin’s Creed video game (these games seem to have a lot of quotable dialogue). At one point during the game, my character was having a conversation about family and children with an ally by a campfire. That ally said:
“Children, they bewilder you. They can cause you so much worry, fill you with joy.
Even stop your heart. And if you're lucky, they replace you.”
Yes, children do that to you.
They surprise you. They “stop your heart” by doing something great or doing something… “ill-advised.”
Yet, one day we hope they replace us. It’s an ongoing joke in my family that my oldest son has replaced his grandfather (my dad) since they have the same birthday. “We don’t celebrate ‘pop pop’s’ birthday anymore” according to my dad.
That’s partially true. We celebrate pop pop’s birthday, but his oldest grandson gets all of the attention. Of course he does! He’s young, but also, he is going to “replace” us one day. But how do we make sure our children replace us?
One way to make sure they replace us is to make this world a better place than how we received it. We should do this every day. During a cycle class I took, the coach said, “Leave the day better than how you found it.”
Freemasonry teaches us to circumscribe our desires, to become better men, and to strive to make this world a better place. It is our duty as one generation to make the world better for the next. It can start from day to day.
Have a bad morning? Make that day better for someone else. Have a good morning? Make it a great day for someone else. After all, the institutions of our fraternity are built on the principles for bettering humanity and even small day-to-day steps can make that happen.
Becoming a Freemason puts us on this path to making this world a better place and hopefully, if we’re lucky, our children will replace us.

I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the recent passing of our Brother Randy Brink.
Randy showed up to any event he attended with a sense of cheer and friendship for everyone he greeted. I do not believe he ever met a stranger. He was enthusiastic, devoted, and one of our hardest workers. His presence will be sorely missed by everyone associated with Washington Lodge No. 20.
Last month, our line of officers and many of our Brethren took advantage of a presentation hosted by Dr. Andreas Önnerfors at the Sacramento Scottish Rite.
For those of you unable to attend, I would like to provide a brief summary. In 1998, a German philologist named Christiane Schaefer left Berlin to take a job at Uppsala University in Stockholm and was given a parting gift by a colleague: a 250-year-old encrypted document.
You may virtually look through the book at this link: https://cl.lingfil.uu.se/~bea/copiale/display150.html

She spent some time trying to decrypt the strange symbols with no luck. Fast forward 13 years, she later attended a lecture by USC Professor Kevin Knight on machine translation, which is the methodology of using computers to translate from one language to another.
They collaborated and within two weeks Professor Knight had begun to translate the symbols. What followed was remarkable: they were able to discover the rituals of a secret society in 1730s Germany called the “Great Enlightened Society of Oculists,” who drew inspiration from ophthalmology.
Back in 2012, Wired magazine featured a really nice overview of the history and translation efforts. If you have any interest in mathematics, linguistics, computers, or cryptography, it’s definitely worth a read:
The project page for the translation can also be found here:
Finally, this is a brief interview with the translator:
On a separate note, this upcoming month will feature St John’s Day, on June 24th. It is in homage to one of the Patron Saints of the Fraternity, John the Baptist.
Located near midsummer, it should be a very long day with plenty of warmth and sunshine. I hope you have the opportunity to spend that time in a wonderful fellowship with family and friends.

Hello Brethren.
As the unofficial start of summer is now here, marked by Memorial Day each year, we look forward to rolling out “those lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer.” You get extra credit if you know the song and who was the well-known singer who popularized it. Answer below.
This June marks 11 of our Brethren celebrating the anniversary of their birth. Among the celebrants this month, we find Worshipful David Cameron, who gets to hear the happy birthday song on June 25. We send each and every one a very Happy Birthday.
The Masonic birthdays number 16 in June. A particular shout-out goes to Worshipful George Perkins Jamison, Jr. who this month celebrates the 40th anniversary of his Masonic Birthday. Also of note, Worshipful Max Schell, Worshipful Richard Hixson, and our very own Brother Treasurer extraordinaire, Worshipful Eric Hixson, also celebrate Masonic birthdays this month. Our happiest birthday wish goes to each and every one.
If you sense a feeling of being left out, that would be the month of June calling. June being between May, with Cinco de Mayo, and July, with the Fourth of July, feels lonely and very much left out. So we are going to honor June with its very own day to celebrate, and that would be June 6, or Seis de Junio. This not only fits the pattern of four, five and six, but also has a kind of catchy name for the date. And here it is…wait for it!!
June 6 is National Applesauce Cake Day!! Yay!!
Each year on June 6th, National Applesauce Cake Day recognizes a delicious and easy treat. This tasty applesauce cake offers an opportunity to share a slice (or two) of a cake that comes in a variety of recipes.
When it comes to applesauce cake, mixing in spices, nuts or dried fruit makes this cake a crowd-pleaser, too. Cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice are just a few spices to choose from. You might also like to add pecans or walnuts for some crunch. Raisins or chopped apples add a little extra natural sweetness and texture to this cake. Some bakers use homemade applesauce, but store-bought will do, too.
In any cake recipe, applesauce may be substituted for butter or oil for a healthier alternative. It is also said that one-half cup of applesauce may be substituted for one egg in some baking recipes for those who have egg allergies.
How to Observe Applesauce Cake Day
Bake an applesauce cake to share. Don’t hesitate to try a new recipe or to share one of your favorites. It’s one of the best ways to celebrate. Wrap up a few slices and deliver them to your neighbor or bring them to work.
If that’s not enough for you, here are a few suggestions to add to the apple delights:
Apple Turnover
Apple Strudel
Eat an Apple
Caramel Apple
Apple Pie

As promised in the last edition of this article, I wanted to share with you details about the Gold Rush and Freemasonry in Sacramento.
History tells us that James Wilson Marshall startled a nation with his findings in the sands of the south fork of the American River in January 1848. Marshall's action catapulted a flow of immigration to the golden state. Thousands of families arrived in California caring for nothing more than to feed their insatiable hunger for the rich bonanza - gold.
Sacramento, starting point for the northern mines, was the destination of the gold seekers. Census figures tell the story. In the brief two-year span from April 1, 1849, the population of approximately 150 inhabitants, boomed to a teeming 11,000 in search of fortune.
The desire for a fraternal association en route to the goldfields resulted in the issuance of many dispensations and charters for traveling lodges. The Eastern Grand Lodges made this possible so that the Masonic Order would flourish - keeping the work active in the journey and later on at the permanent establishments.
According to available historical records the first known meeting of the fraternity in Sacramento was held on a September evening in 1849 when, as a result of notices being posted in conspicuous places, approximately 100 Masons met in the second story of McNulty's unfinished building, on the north side of K Street between 5th and 6th Streets.
It was during this initial meeting that an attempt was made to organize a Masonic Relief Association but shortly afterward it was learned that Caleb Fenner had in his possession a charter from the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, authorizing the formation of Connecticut Lodge No. 75 in California. The plan for organizing a relief association was temporarily abandoned and preparations were made for forming a Lodge.
The third story, or attic, of a building known as the Red House was selected as a proper meeting place. It was rented by the fraternity and appropriately furnished. The building itself was a state of erection on the southwest corner of 5th and J Streets, site of the present-day Travelers Hotel. Passerby in those days noted the street address: 126 J Street.
This Temple was described as follows: "The second story was kept as a lodging house and beds were let at $ 5 per night. Masonry being a progressive and moral science taught by degrees only; To ascend where the craft were to receive their wages was found to be occupied by those who from their sex and morals, were ineligible to receive the degrees of Masonry; thus, the Lodge found it necessary to vacate and find other quarters.”
On January 8, 1850, Sacramento Masons assembled for the purpose of opening and organizing a Masonic Lodge and Connecticut Lodge No. 75 came into being. The charter issued by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut and dated January 31, 1849, named Caleb Fenner as the first Worshipful Master, but at its first election, after the organization of the lodge, John A. Tutt was chosen Worshipful Master as Caleb Fenner, though present, apparently did not wish that honor.
Two months later, in March 1850, there was an unsuccessful attempt to form a Grand Lodge of the State of California. But supporters of this idea did not give up.
A notice dated April 5, and published in the April 6, 1850, issue of the Placer Times, and in other publications of the same day served as a forerunner of a Masonic Assembly held on April 17, 1850, in the attic of the afore-mentioned Red House.
Representatives of California Lodge No. 13, San Francisco, Connecticut Lodge No. 75, Sacramento, Western Star No. 98, Benton City, New Jersey Lodge, U. D., Sacramento, and Benicia Lodge, U. D., Benicia, assembled for the purpose of considering the propriety of establishing a Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in California.
The temporary organization was called to order by Charles Gilman, representing California Lodge No. 13 of San Francisco. Brother Gilman had been Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1830 and of the Grand Lodge of Maryland for seven years (1842-1848). On motion, he appointed a committee on credentials.
This committee, after due deliberation, recognized California Lodge No. 13 (now California Lodge No. 1), Western Star Lodge No. 98 (now Western Star Lodge No. 2), and Connecticut Lodge No. 75 (now Union-Tehama Lodge No. 3) as being legally constituted and chartered Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons. Representatives of these Lodges were then duly authorized and qualified to organize and constitute a Grand Lodge of the State of California.
During the sessions of April 18, 1850, Past Grand Marshal Charles Gilman also presided, and the organization of the Grand Lodge was completed and the following Officers were elected:
Jonathan D. Stevenson, Grand Master;
John A. Tutt, Deputy Grand Master;
Caleb Fenner, Senior Grand Warden;
Saschel Woods, Junior Grand Warden; and
John H. Gihon, Grand Secretary.
Brother Gilman, after refusing the distinct honor of becoming First Grand Marshal of California, then installed the Grand Master, who in turn installed his own Deputy Grand Master and Grand Secretary. Fenner and Woods were not present at these installations and therefore were not installed at that time.
Keep in mind the fact that the Grand Lodge of California was formed and in existence before California itself became a state.
Prior to 1888 many Masonic Lodges in California met on or near the nights of a full moon and were known as Moon Lodges. In those days the principal means of transportation was on horses or by walking.
Remember there were no flashlights, only lanterns, kerosene, candle, and carbide, which were expensive and inefficient.
Washington Lodge No. 20 in the early days was a Moon Lodge. In 1950 there were only three Moon Lodges remaining: Mariposa No. 24, Georgetown No. 25, and Harmony No. 164, located in Sierra City.
Tehama 3 has been called the " Mother of Lodges” in Sacramento. In the first 15 years of its existence, it recommended dispensations for four Lodges -- they were Sutter 6, April 1850; Washington No. 20, February 1852; Concord No. 117, February 1857, and Elk Grove No. 173, 1964.
In 1849 and 1850, Sacramento was described as a Lazarus-house, defined as an institution of derelicts, diseased beggars, and from the bible the brother of Mary and Martha whom Jesus raised from the dead.
Sacramento had hundreds of sick and dying, needing relief. Most had cholera from drinking contaminated water on the overland journey to California. Several Brethren exemplified the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
They were Dr. Morse of Essex, Vermont graduate of New York College of Medicine 1844, who came to Sacramento in 1849; Brother J. D. B. Stillman, organizer of Masons and Oddfellows Hospital at Sutters Fort; Brother Albert Maver Winn, President of Masons and Oddfellows Relief Association. Col. Winn was commissioned Colonel of the 1st Regular Mississippi Militia.
These Brothers were men of means and dug deep in their pockets and gave much of their time. Brother Winn was later commissioned a Brigadier General by Governor Peter H. Burnett and reappointed by Governor Bigler. General Winn submitted a bill to the Legislature for reimbursement of $14,000, which was denied. Winn’s actual expenditures came to $21,500.
Think of it in terms of about 50 times that much in today's dollars. Governor Bigler, a member of Washington No. 20, was very active in relief work during the crisis, and was also very active in local and State politics, elected Governor in 1851 and served two terms. Bigler was a charter member of Tehama #3 but let his dues lapse and was suspended. He quickly set things aright and became a member of Washington Lodge until his death.
Frequently in a burst of enthusiasm, many a Secretary will refer to his own Lodge as a Mother of Lodges. No Secretary had any more right to do so than that of Washington Lodge No. 20.
A casual survey of Washington Lodge's minutes will show it recommending dispensation for no less than nine Lodges in and around Sacramento from 1852 to 1864, and one in Virginia City, NV. (The recommendation for the Virginia City Lodge was probably the cause of the old-time rumor that an early Sacramento Lodge assumed the prerogative of Grand Lodge and issued a dispensation to a lodge in Nevada. It was dated January 1, 1863.)
In 1930, Charles Ingram making a digest of our Lodges minutes for Grand Lodge History Committee, observed: This Lodge was the Mother Lodge of perhaps a score (20), of Lodges in all directions from Sacramento. In 1872 we refused to recommend several unaffiliated brothers of Sacramento who wished to open a lodge to be known as Industrial Lodge.
Our minutes have little to say about the Civil War aside from an allusion or two to the public enemy. There were some strong feelings one way and another, and it is known one of the most distinguished of Masons was denied a high state appointment, as late as 1883, for alleged pro-Southern sentiment during the war.
The only time the Lodge itself officially went on record was May 4, 1865, when it passed a long rhetoric-filled resolution condemning the assassination of Lincoln. It was perhaps the strongest resolution of its kind passed by any Lodge in the State.
Another thing noticeably absent from the records of Washington Lodge No. 20 in the early years is the naive humor found in the minutes of other less erudite Lodges of mining and agricultural districts. The word "erudite" means "deeply learned, polished, or taught." Its use is probably affirmed by a large number of the brethren at the time being in law and other Learned professions."
Answer to Song riddle:
"Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer" (YouTube)
A popular song composed by Hans Carste, released in May 1963.
Recorded by: Nat King Cole

I first met Randy Brink while I worked at Cal Expo as a police officer.
He was the “Honorary Safety Officer” for Cal Expo. During the State Fair and other events, he would always stop by the PD and remind us to be safe and drink lots of water. I soon learned that Randy was also an Honorary Shriner. He was at one of our Ben Ali Stated Meetings and came up to say hi. As soon as he learned that I was the Master of Washington Lodge No. 20, he began asking about becoming an “Honorary Mason.”
I conducted a lot of research and learned it was not possible under the California Masonic Code. I had been so focused on him becoming an Honorary Mason, that I completely glossed over the three requirements for Randy to become a Mason.
A gentle reminder from the Grand Master helped me refocus and get the process started. A petition was signed and in December 2014, Randy was elected to receive the Degrees in Washington Lodge No. 20.
Brother Randy Brink was Initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason on January 15th, 2015,
Passed to the Fellow Craft Degree on April 28th, 2016, and
Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on January 12th, 2017.
He worked very hard studying the work with several Brothers to complete his proficiencies. I was privileged to preside over Brother Brink's degrees.
Brother Brink had the rare fortune of having MW Russ Charvonia participate as an Officer for his Fellowcraft Degree, and several Grand Officers attended. Brother Brink became a Life Member of our Lodge and valued member, always volunteering to work our sound system at events as well as promoting Masonry around Sacramento. Brother Brink was very proud of becoming a Mason and would beam when introducing himself as “Brother Randy Brink” to everyone who attended our events.
Brother Brink went on to become a High Noble in the Ben Ali Shrine and continued his work as an ambassador for both, volunteering at the Shriners Hospital for Children in Sacramento and attending numerous meetings of other Lodges in our area.
Brother Randy Brink will be truly missed by me and in Washington Lodge No. 20. He was a Mason’s Mason who exemplified our most important Tenets: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.
Soft and Safe to Thee my Brother…
Worshipful Dan Dailey, Past Master

A couple of decades ago our Secretary, Jerry van Wagner, wrote a column about the importance of sideliners, particularly for degrees.
As he put it, “Have you ever given a party and had no one come? You would have felt pretty forsaken and ignored, right? Well that is the way most of our recent candidates for degrees must feel, because none of you are coming out to support them. When they get to see the lights, they also see just how alone they are.”
Attendance has improved in recent years, and the sidelines are not usually as barren as they were back then. But there’s always room for a few more. The more members there are on the sidelines, the better the impression is on the gentlemen who are joining our Lodge.
But, as important as sidelines are, it’s also important to have participants! Your Officers can’t do it all. Particularly since many of them are working in “advance stations” – learning the work and getting ready for the offices they will hold next year and beyond.
While they are thus engaged, we need other members to fill in the positions behind them.
Also, as I have said before, most of the parts in the second section of the Third Degree are designed to be done by non-Officers. In fact, in my early years in the Lodge, officers rarely worked in the second section – we had a stable of “cast members” who enjoyed doing that work.
I spent several years taking various parts before I ever held an office; in fact, it was my degree work that brought me to the attention of Worshipful Al Grundel, who appointed me Chaplain for 1974 (my first office) and Worshipful Carl Rae, who started me up the line as Junior Steward in 1979.
Many of the junior Officers and Third Degree parts have only a few sentences to learn.
The Junior Steward, in fact, has not one single word to say anywhere in Masonic ritual, and if you learned the “long-form” proficiencies when you joined, you’ve already given all the Senior Steward’s work.
So, what I’m saying is – come on down and take part. Definitely, if you have any interest (or think you might have some interest) in going up the line and serving as Master. But, even if that’s not your cup of tea, you can still enjoy doing ritual work.
And, believe me, there is nothing like the camaraderie of a well-polished degree team – as well as the personal satisfaction of doing the work well and impressing a candidate.

Each of us joined Masonry for different reasons. We all take in Masonry unlike others. We all participate in Masonry differently.
But we all joined Masonry to be better men.
It builds us all to be that better brother, have better relationships, that improved person that contributes to society more positively. We achieve this by various means to reach that end.
Masonry is what you put into it. It’s not something that by simply receiving degrees makes us better, it’s what we do with that knowledge. When you take what you learn in those degrees and apply those lessons is when Masonry becomes alive.
Part of it is participating in lodge, but most is what we internalize and change about ourselves is what leads us to be a smoother ashlar.
For me the change has been to be more contemplative and to strip the superfluous; basically to keep my ideas and wants within the circle. I’ve learned to say “no” when appropriate and not overcommit or take too many things on. There is so much more that I want to do, but if I do them all I won’t do any of them with fidelity. The compass might be my most useful working tool as a result of this.
But yours might be the rule, making you realize the shortness of the day. Or maybe the trowel to make you realize the different parts of your life needs something to cement them together.
Whatever it is, take some time to think about how to apply what you learned in the degrees and how it can apply to your life. Not forcing anything here, no other brother can make you do that anyway. It’s what you put in and need to get out of it that will drive you on your Masonic pathway.
JUNE 2022
01 Joseph Mayo IV (Master Mason)
01 Brian Schoenborn (Master Mason)
04 James Lenau (Master Mason)
06 Steven Brown (Master Mason)
07 Richard Entrican (Master Mason)
10 Nico Montero (Master Mason)
22 J. Phil Horton (Entered Apprentice)
22 Ronald Speno (Master Mason)
24 Matthew Mason (Senior Deacon) (Master Mason)
25 Larry Afzal (Master Mason)
25 David Cameron (Past Master)
06 Erick Leutholtz (14 Years)
12 Max Schell PM (27 Years)
17 George Jamison Jr. PM (40 Years)
18 Christian Wheeler (7 Years)
19 John Lowrey (32 Years)
20 William Workman (Senior Steward) (3 Years)
21 Jeffrey Hardiman (14 Years)
22 Jack Penny (68 Years)
22 Frank Werner (22 Years)
23 Richard Hixson PM (17 Years)
24 Steven Anders (46 Years)
24 Brian Schoenborn (12 Years)
25 Devin Gray (7 Years)
27 Jared Dailey (9 Years)
29 Eric Hixson PM (Treasurer) (22 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
Freemasonry: A Very Short Introduction
by Andreas Önnerfors
Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most widespread voluntary organizations in the world. Over the course of three centuries men (and women) have organized themselves socially and voluntarily under its name.
With a strong sense of liberation, moral enlightenment, cosmopolitan openness, and forward-looking philanthropy, Freemasonry has attracted some of the sharpest minds in history and has created a strong platform for nascent civil societies across the globe.
With the secrecy of internally communicated knowledge, the clandestine character of the organization, the enactment of rituals, and the elaborate use of symbols, freemasonry has also opened up feelings of distrust, as well as allegations of secretiveness and conspiracy.
This Very Short Introduction introduces the inner activities of freemasonry, and the rituals, symbols, and practices. Looking at the development of the organizational structure of masonry from the local to the global level, Andreas Önnerfors considers perceptions of Freemasonry from the outside world and navigates through the prevalent fictions and conspiracy theories.
He also discusses how Freemasonry has from its outset struggled with issues of exclusion based upon gender, race, and religion, despite promoting tolerant openness and inclusion. Finally, Önnerfors shines a light on the rarely discussed but highly compelling history of female agency in Masonic and Para-Masonic orders.
The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Andreas Önnerfors was born in 1971 in Germany in Swedish-German family of academics. Enjoying a bilingual upbringing, he early became interested in literature and writing.
He left German secondary school (Abitur) in the city of Trier, formerly part of the Roman empire and birth-town of Karl Marx.
A keen traveller, Önnerfors spent almost two years on the move before joining the Swedish army in Stockholm. Studies in Russian were followed by the History of Sciences and Ideas.
It was here his passion for the eighteenth century and particularly freemasonry was born.
At Lund University, Sweden, he wrote his dissertation on Swedish Pomerania 1720-1815, a zone of cultural contacts and identifications between enlightenment and romanticism.
After post-doctoral stays in Germany and France, Önnerfors worked as Director of the Centre for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Returning to Sweden in 2010, Önnerfors has since worked at the Universities of Malmö and Lund and is now an Associate Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
ISBN-13: 978-0198796275
ISBN-10: 0198796277
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• 02 Social Hour Thursday • 05:30 PM (Club Room)
• 02 MCU Dinner Thursday • 06:15 PM (Banquet Room)
• 02 Stated Meeting Thursday • 07:30 PM (LR1)
• 09 DARK Thursday
• 15 OSI DARK Wednesday
• 16 DARK Thursday
• 18 Charity Drive Saturday • 10:00 AM (River City Food Bank)
• 23 Officers' Meeting Thursday • 06:00 PM (Club Room)
• 30 DARK Thursday
• 05 Executive Committee Meeting Tuesday • 06:00 PM (Zoom)
• 07 Social Hour Thursday • 05:30 PM (Club Room)
• 07 Fourth of July Dinner Thursday • 06:15 PM (Banquet Room)
• 07 Stated Meeting Thursday • 07:30 PM (LR1)
• 09 Brothers Walk Saturday • 02:00 PM (UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden)
• 14 DARK Thursday
• 16 Annual Family BBQ Picnic Saturday • 10:00 AM (Location TBD)
• 20 OSI DARK Wednesday
• 21 DARK Thursday
• 28 Proficiency Night Thursday • 07:00 PM (LR1)

Washington Lodge No. 20
2022 Officers
Russell Tomas
(707) 315-6593
Nicholas Johnston
Senior Warden
Mauro Lara
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Richard Wilson (PM)
Prezell Harris
Assistant Secretary
Matthew Mason
Senior Deacon
Joseph Wallach
Junior Deacon
Creston Whiting-Casey III
William Workman
Senior Steward
Michael Contreras
Junior Steward
Martin Buff
Floyd Tritt
Francisco Marques (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Nicholas Johnston
Head Candidates' Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th District