From the East
Matthew Mason - Worshipful Master

Welcome to February, Brethren.
January’s Stated Meeting was magnificent, with nearly 35 people in attendance enjoying brotherhood and breaking bread. Dinner was provided by Brother Efrain Vallejo, Master Mason of Elk Grove Lodge No. 173. If you remember Vallejo’s Restaurant (1900 4th Street), this is him! It was a wonderful tamale dinner.
The Brethren voted for Mr. Joaquin Lopez to receive the First Degree of Masonry in our Lodge. This festive event will be on February 29th at 6:30 PM in our lodge room. Please attend if possible and bring a warm welcome for our new soon-to-be-brother. The Officers will be in tuxedos, but you may come in a tux or suit (preferred), but if you are coming from work and need to come straight to the temple, work clothes are just fine. Your presence is the most important thing.
We also were able to notify Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM, at the January Stated Meeting that he will receive the Hiram Award this year for all his hard work and all the extra he gives to the lodge. Our Lodge just wouldn’t be the same without his unending work. The Ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, May the 4th, at 11:00 AM in the Lodge Room followed by Luncheon and Live Music in the Ballroom.
Our February Stated Meeting Night will bring us our Annual Roll Call Dinner. We will honor our newly Raised Brethren as well as remember those who have traveled to that undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. Stated Meeting Dinner at 06:00 PM, including Roll Call presentation. We will open Lodge at 07:20 PM with the business meeting starting 10 minutes later.
Also, some of us have been gathering at Locked Barrel (921 11th Street) before dinner for an "attitude adjustment hour" at 05:15 PM, and all are welcome to join us.
Finally, mark March 14th on your calendar for the Annual Bowling with Brothers at Country Club Lanes (2600 Watt Ave). It is a stag event and more information to come, but the venue has already been booked and it's always a fun event with food and friendship.

From the West
Joseph Wallach - Senior Warden

Greetings, Brethren.
Entering upon February, and winter is in full motion as the weather moves from cool and dry to cold, wet and humid. The landscape is a mixture of death and life.
The deciduous trees are barren of leaves and visible growth while other trees are observably active, some with the sweet needly smell of pine, others a green leafy frock, and some even with the bearing of fruit. Along the ground, the grass grows thick, rooted in the newly saturated soil.
The invisible life below that shock of green as worms feed and nourish the soil through their castings, they themselves becoming the occasional meal for the traveling bird.
All these things are there to be observed by the witnessing eye, but only understood by those knowing that not all that is occurring can be seen and that which is seen is often not fully observed.
Masonry exists in a similar fashion. It is made up of many different men of varying ages, backgrounds, and experiences yet all coming together to play their part in what constitutes the Lodge and the Craft.
The outer visible workings that all may see is the representation of the Lodge which is supported by the unseen, those working in the background to support the Craft and strengthen the bonds amongst the Brethren. The layer below that, being the family that supports the Mason allowing him to pursue his study of truth, becoming part of the foundation of his Lodge.

From the South
William Workman - Junior Warden

Greetings, Brethren.
It being the month of February, it had me thinking about love, romantic and otherwise (and reminded me that I need to look for something special to give Dawn on the 14th for Valentine's Day!)
Of all the reference to Brotherly Love, this seems fitting for Masons as not only does it speak to Brotherly Love, but it also contains other principal tenets of Masonry, that of Relief, to compassionate their miseries, and that of Truth, as we join in promoting each other’s welfare.
Wow! All three principal tenants in one? This John character must be a Mason! (or at least I’ll wager he has connections).
John 3:17 says “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in Him?"
Charity is the heartbeat of compassion. It is through giving and doing something that we can demonstrate our Brotherly Love.
As you all may know, I am quite fond of our Founding Fathers and so had to include Benjamin Franklin on some of this Brotherly Love fest.
A Parable on Brotherly Love
Written by Benjamin Franklin in 1755
In a letter to Benjamin Vaughan, dated November 02, 1789, Franklin discussed his “Chapter of Abraham and the Stranger” and then went on to say: “When I wrote that in the form you now have it, I wrote also another, the hint of which was also taken from an ancient Jewish tradition; but, not having the same success with it as the other, I laid it aside, and have not seen it for thirty years past, till within these few days a lady of my acquaintance furnished me with a copy, which she had preserved. I think however it is not a bad one, and send it to you enclosed.”
The “ancient Jewish tradition” that provided Franklin the “hint” for this parable derives from the Babylonian Talmud. To think that Franklin had this buried for 30 years. This is a bit heavy, not the easiest of reads, but it reveals some of the genius of Franklin and his thorough familiarity with the Old Testament.
1. In those days there was no worker of iron in all the land, and the merchants of Midian passed by with their camels, bearing spices, myrrh, balm, and wares of iron. And Reuben bought an ax from the Ishmaelite merchants, which he prized highly, for there were none in his father’s house.
2. And Simeon said unto Reuben, his brother, "Lend me, I pray thee, thine ax." But he refused, and would not.
3. And Levi also said unto him, "My brother, lend me thine ax." And he refused him also.
4. Then came Judah unto Reuben and entreated him, saying, "Lo, thou lovest me, and I have always loved thee do not refuse me the use of thine Ax, for I desire it earnestly."
5. But Reuben turned from him and refused him likewise.
6. Now it came to pass that Reuben hewed timber on the bank of the river, and the ax fell therein, and he could by no means find it.
7. But Simeon, Levi, and Judah, had sent a messenger after the Ishmaelites with money and had bought for each of them an ax also.
8. Then came Reuben unto Simeon, and said unto him, "Lo, I have lost mine ax, and my work is unfinished, lend me thine, I pray thee."
9. And Simeon answered, saying, "Thou wouldest not lend me thine ax, therefore will I not lend thee mine."
10. Then went he unto Levi, and said unto him, "My Brother, thou knowest my loss and my necessity; lend me, I pray thee, thine ax."
11. And Levi reproached him, saying, "Thou wouldest not lend me thine when I desired it, but I will be better than thee, and will lend thee mine."
12. And Reuben was grieved at the rebuke of Levi; and being ashamed, turned from him, and took not the ax; but sought his Brother Judah.
13. And as he drew near, Judah beheld his countenance as it were confused with grief and shame; and he prevented him, saying, "My Brother, I know thy loss, but why should it grieve thee? Lo, have I not an ax that will serve both thee and me? Take it, I pray thee, and use it as thine own."
14. And Reuben fell on his neck, and kissed him with tears, saying, "Thy kindness is great, but thy goodness in forgiving me is greater. Lo thou art indeed a Brother, and whilst I live will I surely love thee."
15. And Judah said, "Let us also love our other brethren. Behold, are we not all of one blood?"
16. And Joseph saw these things and reported them to his father, Jacob.
17. And Jacob said, Reuben did wrong but he repented, Simeon also did wrong, and Levi was not altogether blameless.
18. But the Heart of Judah is princely. Judah hath the soul of a King. His father's children shall bow down before him, and he shall rule over his brethren, nor shall the scepter depart from his house, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes.
[Original source: The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 6, April 1, 1755, Yale University Press, 1963]
As I’m sure we all remember from that first lecture we received from the Master of the Lodge
“By the exercise of Brotherly Love, we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family - the high and the low, the rich and the poor, (those with axes and no axes, per Benjamin) - who, as created by one almighty parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support, and protect each other."
On this principle, Masonry unites men of every country, sect, and opinion; and causes true friendship to exist among those who might otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.
I am so grateful to you my Brethren, that we have crossed that perpetuity and have thus created true friendship, enriched with the sublime principle of Brotherly Love through our travels together in Masonry.

Special Announcement
Please join us as we honor
Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM
with the presentation of the
2024 Hiram Award
The Hiram Award is the highest Masonic Honor which can be bestowed upon a Brother who has unselfishly given his time, talents, and energy for the betterment of his Lodge and Freemasonry. It is awarded following many years of devoted service.
Every Lodge has such members.
They are the living cement that binds our Fraternity into a true Brotherhood. You will find them at labor in the coaching rooms and committees – often “behind-the-scenes” – anywhere where a true and steady hand of assistance is needed.

Saturday, May the 4th
Hiram Award Ceremony at 11:00 AM
(Lodge Room)
Followed by Luncheon with Bossa Nova (Live Music)
(Banquet Room)
Reservations are required for the Reception
Cost: FREE

As a Master Mason,
you have already started your progress through the York Rite by receiving the first three symbolic degrees in your Blue Lodge.
• Would you like to know how to receive your wages?
You learned what they were as a Fellow Craft.
As a Mark Master, you will learn how to receive them.
• How do I become a Mark Master?
Presented by
Sacramento Valley York Rite Sovereign College
In Association with
Union-Tehama Lodge No. 3
Washington Lodge No. 20
Sacramento Lodge No. 40
General Douglas MacArthur Lodge No. 853
Monday, February 26th
06:00 PM Mark Master Degree
07:30 PM Dinner & Fellowship
All Master Masons Are Welcome!
For More Information:
The Sacramento Masonic Temple is looking for an Event Support person who would be interested in joining our team at 1123 J Street 95814.
If you are interested or know of a relative who might be, please reach out to the Building Manager, Francisco Marques, for an interview.
Position Overview
The Event Support job is to keep the building safe and clean during events.
Initially, you will work on Saturdays (as needed) from 04:00 PM until the event conclusion - often between Midnight and 01:00 AM.
You will be in direct contact with clients, organizers, vendors, and guests during rental periods, ensuring the proper use of the building by all.
You will be working with another Event Support staff member and two security guards.
You will report to the Building Manager.
Ensure that the venue is being used according to rental agreements and policies.
Maintain a clean personal appearance.
Maintain a positive demeanor and attitude with the public and clients.
Monitor surveillance cameras for any disruptions or unlawful activities.
Provide detailed reports on any incidents that may have occurred to management.
Job Requirements
Ability to work with limited direct supervision.
Be in good physical condition to perform job duties as you will often spend long periods standing and observing what’s going on around you.
Be punctual and reliable.
21 or Older.
Good interpersonal skills.
Ability to work alone or as part of a team.
Ability to solve problems as they arise.
Attention to detail.
Ability to react appropriately in stressful situations.
Ability to read procedures, policies, and written instructions.
Ability to identify safety issues and report to the Building Manager.
Follow checklists for scheduled duties, and opening & closing procedures.
Paid Training
Double Time ($33.00 per hour) After Midnight
Meal Stipend (Weekends Only)
Free Parking
This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Event Support staff members may perform other related duties as directed to meet the ongoing needs of the organization.
Salary: $16.50 per hour (starting)
Start Date: 03/02/2024
Please email job inquiries to Francisco@SacMT.org

• 01 Roll Call Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 01 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 08 Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 15 Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 21 Officers School of Instruction (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
(Second Degree, First Section, Long Form Closing)
• 22 DARK Thursday
• 29 First Degree - Mr. Joaquin Jesus Lopez (LR1) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 05 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 07 Monthly Stated Meeting Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 07 Monthly Stated Meeting - Past Masters Night (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 14 Annual Bowling with Brothers (Country Club Lanes) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 20 Officers School of Instruction (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
(Third Degree, First Section, Long Form Closing)
• 21 Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 28 First Degree - Mr. Joshua Christopher Valentin (LR1) Thursday 06:00 PM
03 Joseph Dongo (Past Master)
05 George Jamison Jr. (Past Master)
05 Allan Harlan (Entered Apprentice)
07 William Dillon (Master Mason)
08 Richard Redmond (Master Mason)
10 Bradley Mitchell (Master Mason)
13 David W. Cameron (Master Mason)
13 William D. Cameron (Master Mason)
17 Wally Clark (Master Mason)
17 Garth Tanner (Master Mason)
18 Phil Hardiman (Past Master)
18 Craig Spilman (Master Mason)
19 Ryan Gooch (Master Mason)
19 Eric Hardiman (Master Mason)
27 Bob Taylor (Master Mason)
27 Dallas Calmes (Master Mason)
11 Michael Mc Glone (36 Years)
16 Michael Allen (07 Years)
20 Carlos Brusel-Casals (10 Years)
20 Douglas Pope (55 Years)
21 Paul McNamee (11 Years)
21 Richard Stover (05 Years)
22 Richard Pullen (Past Master) (23 Years)
22 Nicholas Johnston (Senior Steward) (06 Years)
23 David W. Cameron (12 Years)
23 Gerald Singer (40 Years)
24 David Cameron (Past Master) (19 Years)
25 Douglas Arrington (42 Years)
25 Victor Novak (25 Years)
26 Cyril Shah (26 Years)
27 D. Edward Entrican (Past Master) (62 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M.
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
Making Good Men Better
A 52-Week Personal Growth Plan Based on the Teachings of Freemasonry
by Carl W. Davis
Book recommendation by Brother Kevin R. Hall
(Masonic Education Committee)
This book is an accessible and succinct devotional for Freemasons and those who are curious about the Craft.
Each week Davis invites the reader to explore a new symbolic lesson taken directly from the teachings of masonic ritual through his down-to-earth explanations, anecdotes, and reflections.
Part devotional and part journal, each week’s section includes space for the readers to note their own thoughts about the topic at hand, making this an immensely practical tool for the new or seasoned speculative Mason who wants to delve deeper into the teachings of this ancient fraternity.
Carl W. Davis was Initiated, Passed and Raised in Peru-Miami Lodge No. 67 F.& A.M. in Peru, Indiana.
He served as Master of that Lodge in 2005. In 2008, he moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he joined Hesperia Lodge No. 411 A.F. & A.M. In 2015, he relocated to North Carolina, where he joined The Lodge of the Nine Sisters No. 773 A.F. & A.M. in Raleigh, North Carolina.
He is also an honorary member of Naphtali Lodge No. 389 in Center, Indiana, and a 32nd Degree member of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Indianapolis.
ISBN : 978-0-578-63356-5
How to (Grand) Master the Bow Tie in Just a Few Seconds
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Washington Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M.
2024 Officers
Matthew Mason
Worshipful Master
Joseph Wallach
Senior Warden
William Workman
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Ramey Packer
Brandon Jenkins
Senior Deacon
Kevin Hall
Junior Deacon
Christopher Hamilton
Patrick Fischer
Senior Steward
Nicholas Johnston
Junior Steward
James Dimmitt
Martin Buff
Mauro Lara (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Joseph Dongo (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
David Lagala (PM)
Inspector 414th Masonic District
Brandon Jenkins
Hall Association Board Director