Hello Brethren, Family, and Friends.
As the Sweetheart month of February is upon us, we can reflect on how January came through and how the new year is shaping up. It started off with high activity. Our sister lodges in the Temple held their installations to much success and good times. There is a sense of very good fellowship among the lodges that we can look forward to. Right away, connections are being made to plan and hold social and Masonic activities during the year. Most notably, perhaps a WLN20 fundraising event jointly with each of the other Lodges in our Masonic District. More on this as the plans develop.
We are also reminded in January that we are traveling on the level of time. We recognized and said farewell to members of our Lodge and recognized them at our Roll Call Dinner on January 26. This event was planned and executed by our very own Chaplain and Past Master Worshipful Richard Wilson and his lovely bride, Kitty. Thank you to them both for organizing and carrying this out. We also recognized the class of 2022, our brothers who were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason during the year.
Our entire line of Officers came together in a meeting to plan and organize events and activities for the year.
We have a very full calendar scheduled and there are enough Masonic and Social activities planned for everyone to enjoy. In addition to the social activities noted, there are others that are being considered.
Here is a short list of items by month:
January – Annual Roll Call Dinner
February – Annual Ladies' Luncheon (Wine and Roses)
March – Masonic Education Night
April – Annual Bowling with Brothers Night
May – Annual Family BBQ Picnic
June – Annual Table Lodge and Masonic Education Night
July – Grand Master’s Reception and Masonic Education Night
September – Annual Past Masters' Night and Annual Constitutional Observance Night
October – Masonic Education Night
November – Annual Ladies' Night
December – Annual Installation of Officers

Additionally, we have several degree ceremonies planned throughout the year, starting in February with a Double First Degree and March with a Double Second Degree. We have one Third Degree planned for Past Masters' Night and another that is yet to be placed on the calendar. Moreover, we have new prospects, some of whom will undoubtedly lead to an additional degree during the year.
From a philanthropic perspective, we are evaluating doing a blood drive, perhaps with one of the other lodges in the Temple. Operation Backpack is also on the horizon, or an alternative school support event. Our annual Toys/Kids' Clothing Drive for the Shriner’s Hospital is also in the queue. We are contemplating doing a shoe drive for patients who have a need for shoes to fit prosthetics and such.
All in all, you can see that there is plenty for everyone and I hope to see many of us contributing and supporting our events.
Coming up on February 4 is our Annual Ladies' Luncheon. This year, we are enhancing the luncheon with a wine tasting. This fun and exciting event is being organized and prepared by Worshipful Scott Goode, PM, and his lovely bride Lynne. Worshipful Scott is preparing the lunch himself and will surprise us with a meal that will be ‘finger-licking good” and promises to go very well with the wine tasting he has in store.
Worshipful Scott is a Certified Wine Expert and will undoubtedly enlighten us during this joyful event. Thank you, Worshipful Scott, and Lynne, for putting this together. We hope to see you all. It will be held in the Club Room at the Temple on February 4 at 12:00 Noon.
More information will follow as events get closer in time. I hope to provide enough advance information so that you can plan your calendars accordingly.
And, speaking of calendars, the official calendar is kept on our webpage at https://www.wln20.org/. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see the calendar in a month-to-month format. From there you can export ("copy events") to your Calendar with one click.
If you prefer it in list format, click the green 2023 button, then the CALENDAR button and it will bring it up, or you can go directly to https://www.wln20.org/2023-calendar. This will give you the official events and dates. Of course, these may be subject to change.
Hope you have a wonderful February and Happy Sweetheart Day!

From the West
Matthew Mason - Senior Warden

Many in our noble fraternity talk about life after the 3rd degree. In fact, many brag about being a 32nd Degree Mason, a Knight Templar, or a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. Many of our family members do the same; bragging about the father, brother, grandfather, etc., of these achievements. And there are still other titles I am leaving out of this introduction.
I am not here to bring down or degrade the mysteries revealed or goals achieved in Masonry’s appendant bodies. I am, myself, a Noble in the Shrine.
Many will get so involved with these bodies, they tend to forget their Blue Lodge. While some arrive in the blue lodge to move on to these bodies ASAP, most of us join Masonry for its own intrinsic benefits, no matter what those benefits are to us.
Remember there is no higher degree than that of Master Mason. It is in this sublime degree where we are given the tools to be better men.
Most importantly, there would be no Shrine, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Order of the Eastern Star, etc., without the Blue Lodge.
NONE of this exists if Masonry is not there. The lodge is where a man is vetted, where WE pass on the lessons learned from those that have come this way before, and where the bond of Brotherly Love starts.
So please don’t forget about your Blue Lodge. We want to see you on the sidelines—yes, sideline spectating IS part of the Masonic Journey. It is what cements us into one common mass and where we learn from each other during fellowship dinners.
This is not a guilt trip; we all have very busy lives between family, vocations, vacations, and other commitments. It is rather an argument for thought, to reflect upon where we all started our journey, and to see if you too (and your family) can join us for a dinner/meeting/outing.

From the South
Joseph Wallach - Junior Warden

As we leap forward into the second month of 2023, sadly there will only be 28 days for us to enjoy together this February.
There are two days of note that normally come to mind this month, the first being Valentine's Day on the 14th. A day to celebrate all things love and the bond between two people that is much more than a word or a gesture but a nonverbal connection of strength, empathy, and caring.

The second day, Groundhog Day, which is on the 2nd is a light-hearted nod to the weather and what is in store for the remainder of the winter. As the California weather pendulum has swung from one extreme to another, I hope that Punxsutawney Phil is kind to us in his prediction as to the weather for the remainder of the year.
There are eighteen Brothers that will be celebrating a birthday this month, including the Cordon Bleu Team members, Brothers Wally Clark and Bob Taylor, as well as Past Master Joseph Dongo to name a few.
This February will be a busy one and I look forward to seeing everyone who is able to attend the Lodge events this month.

The Closing of a Lodge
Ramey Packer - Masonic Education Committee
Author: Right Worshipful J.G.W. Kelley, Past Grand Lecturer
Grand Lodge of South Australia and the Northern Territory
The poem was written in two hours on the morning of February 9th, 2000, by Right Worshipful Kelley and presented by him at the final festive board of Torrens Park Lodge No.112 after the surrender of the Lodge's Warrant (Charter).
The final ceremony was well attended and very moving with the temperature 38-39 deg. C (over 100F).
With the closing of the Volume and the opening of a door,
Think not this Lodge has ended, think what has gone before.
Remember all those worthy men who as apprentice came,
And who developed love and skill and worked in friendship's name.
When you take up the Working Tools too gently put aside,
Think not their work has ended, think how they were applied.
Remember well the lessons taught, to craftsmen tried and true,
Of Masons worthy of the name and apron white and blue.
When your Tracing Boards are covered and the Columns laid at rest,
Think not their teaching ended, think more a message blessed.
Remember the special meaning to Master Masons all,
Of birth and life and learning and waiting for the call.
With the sounding of the gavel and as the lights at last go out
Think not your Lodge has ended, dispel all lingering doubt,
Master, Wardens, Brethren, remember as you depart,
Your Lodge will live forever in every Masons' heart.
This poem remains the property of the author but permission is given for its use in masonic circles.
Should you wish to make contact with the author his email address is jakelley@iinet.net.au

The Widow's Sons
Francisco Marques, PM - Masonic Education Committee
Grand Master Randall Brill has proclaimed February 2023 as the Masonic Widows Month in California.
During this month, I ask you to honor our widows with your thoughts and actions. As Masons, we are encouraged to show love and give support to our widows and orphans. This important duty is right there in our Masonic Obligation, and also in James 1:27: "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction...”
This precept is so powerful and influential to the Craft, that we are traditionally acknowledged around the world as The Widow’s Sons.
Even non-Initiates may be aware that Freemasonry takes as its primary mythological framework various aspects of Biblical history, particularly the life of King Solomon, and, of course, the central figure of the architect whom he chose to build the Temple of God during his reign, Grand Master Hiram Abiff.
Hiram is described as the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali (1 Kings 7: 13-14), sent to Jerusalem to cast bronze furnishings and ornate decorations for the new Temple. Abiff is the man we learn about in our degrees and try to emulate in his duty and fealty to his Brothers.
There are other men referred to as “The Widow’s Son” in the holy writings.
Ruth, a woman of the Moabite tribe, was married to Boaz, and she was a heroine of the Old Testament. The Moabites are traced back to the lineage of Lot, the nephew of Abraham. She was also the Great Grandmother of King David, the father of King Solomon.
One of the most fascinating statements in the Book of Ruth occurs when Ruth goes to glean some wheat. It is here where she meets Boaz. The phrase used to describe this chance encounter is, “As it happened” (2:3). It reads like a random occurrence. Ruth could have met anyone in that field - it just so happened that she met Boaz. When we consider the lineages of both Ruth and Boaz, and how their offspring paves the way for the births of David and Jesus, this can hardly be considered a random incident.
Boaz was quite a bit older, being 80, while Ruth was 40, when they got married. We read in the Holy Writings that Boaz died the day after the wedding, leaving her a widow... and pregnant! Ruth gave birth to the first “Son of the Widow,” Obed, who grows up and bears his son Jesse, who bears his son David, who bears his sons Solomon and Nathan. (Matthew 1:5-6)
Jesus is also a descendant of Ruth, making Him a “Widow’s Son” as well. Please note that there are forty-five generations from Ruth to Jesus. Some scholars say that, from this reference, the term “Widow’s Son” is synonymous with Freemasonry and that all Freemasons are designated as “Widow’s Sons” or sons of Ruth.

My work as Lodge Secretary gives me the opportunity to interact with many Masons who have stopped participating in our activities a long time ago, and also their spouses. And, sometimes - sadly but true - I am contacted by spouses who are dealing with end-of-life situations; those are the cases when our Brother's health has severely declined and medical treatment is no longer applicable. These are our "soon-to-be widows!" It is somewhat difficult for me to know how to provide comfort, what to say or what to do.
I have learned that not all end-of-life experiences are alike. In some situations, the body is very weak while the mind stays clear. The Brother is still very proud to be a member of our Lodge and he asks his wife to make sure his membership is taken care of. It is important for her to follow his end-of-life wishes. Others may remain physically strong while cognitive function declines. In some cases, the wife already knows how important "the Lodge" has always been to her husband, and she will do anything possible to keep him as a member.
They are not looking for financial support or a Masonic Funeral. All they want is to keep his membership alive for as long as they can. It is fascinating to witness moments like these. Being a part of the Craft is still one of the important components of their lives, as husband and wife.
I can't find a better example of Pride, Passion, and Commitment to our Lodge.
Our widows are very important to us, Freemasons. They may need and want help, but the Lodge rarely becomes aware of such hardships. Over time, however, some widows begin to stabilize and rebuild, with some moving to a Masonic Home or to new neighborhoods, and others finding ways to remain in the same place and begin to rebuild, emotionally and spiritually.
As they go through this long journey, her late husband's Masonic Lodge may become just a shadow from the past. Memories fade away. We all "move on" and disconnect.
During this month of February, I ask you to personally contact a widow with a simple phone call. Schedule to stop by for a quick visit and invite her to come to our dinners. Spend time with her and listen. Do not avoid conversations about her late husband, our Brother. It doesn’t matter if she is a recent widow or has been alone for decades, let her share memories of her spouse.
Be a friend. Let her know that you are there for her and that you care. Learn about her life with our Brother and about their legacy. Ask to see his Shriners fez, his Scottish Rite cap, his Knight Templar chapeau, sword, medals... and ask her to look back on how ridiculous (and happy!) he looked when he put those on.
Laugh together. Cry together. If you are not familiar with finding our widows’ roster at freemason.org, please let me know and I will find a way to go over the list together with you. In November, when we gather for our Ladies' Night, it is my hope that she will be there to celebrate with us and that our Lodge will feel familiar once again.

Washington Lodge No. 20 invites you to our
Annual Ladies Luncheon
Wine and Roses
Saturday, February 4th at 12:00 PM
Third Floor - Club Room
1123 J Street Sacramento, CA
Join us for lunch, wine tasting,
and socializing
Attire: Business Casual
RSVP to Lynne Goode at
or 916-208-8166
pour wine and live longer
• 02 Fellowship Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 02 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 04 Annual Ladies’ Luncheon (Club Room) Saturday 12:00 PM
• 09 First Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 15 OSI (Officers School of Instruction) (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
• 16 DARK Thursday
• 23 Double First Degree
Mr. Ivan Flowers and Mr. Anthony Ibarra (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 28 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 02 Fellowship Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 02 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 09 Second Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 15 OSI (Officers School of Instruction) (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
• 16 Masonic Education Night (Club Room) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 23 Second Degree
Bro. Moises Gonzalez (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 30 DARK
03 Joseph Dongo (Past Master) (Head Candidates' Coach)
05 George Jamison Jr. (Past Master)
05 Allan Harlan (Entered Apprentice)
07 William Dillon (Master Mason)
08 Richard Redmond (Master Mason)
10 Bradley Mitchell (Master Mason)
13 David William Cameron (Master Mason) (Super Twin)
13 William David Cameron (Master Mason) (Super Twin)
17 Wally Clark (Master Mason) (Cordon Bleu Committee)
17 Garth Tanner (Master Mason)
18 Phil Hardiman (Past Master)
18 Craig Spilman (Master Mason)
19 Ryan Gooch (Master Mason)
19 Eric Hardiman (Master Mason)
27 Dallas Calmes (Master Mason)
27 Bob Taylor (Master Mason) (Cordon Bleu Committee)
02 Steven Brown (10 Years)
11 Michael Mc Glone (35 Years)
16 Michael Allen (6 Years)
20 Carlos Brusel-Casals (9 Years)
20 Douglas Pope (54 Years)
21 Paul McNamee (10 Years)
21 Richard "Smokey" Stover (4 Years) (Cordon Bleu Committee)
22 Nick Johnston (5 Years)
22 Richard Pullen (Past Master) (22 Years)
23 David William Cameron (11 Years) (Super Twin)
23 Gerald Singer (39 Years)
24 David Cameron (Past Master) (18 Years)
25 Douglas Arrington (41 Years)
25 Victor Novak (24 Years)
26 Cyril Shah (25 Years) (Budget & Investment Committee)
27 D. Edward Entrican (Past Master) (61 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
Masonic Symbolism of the Beehive
By Charles Clyde Hunt
Recommended by Brother Ramey Packer, Master Mason,
Masonic Education Committee
Initially published in 1939, this volume was extracted from the original book, Masonic Symbolism, which encompasses the author's magnificent work on many of Freemasonry's primary symbols and allegories.
The beehive is an emblem of industry and recommends the practice of that virtue to all created beings, from the highest seraph in heaven to the lowest reptile of the dust.
Freemasonry, in all its instructions, recognizes labor as a supreme duty and a divine law. It regards the Deity as the "Great Architect," the "Divine Artificer," the "Master Workman" of the universe.
Many are the lessons of this striking symbol as taught in our American Masonry. To the Ancient mystics and philosophers, it had a much wider meaning.
Expertly written by Hunt, complex ideas are conveyed intelligently such that a beginner may easily understand the philosophical concepts contained in his writings.
Charles Clyde Hunt was born on November 9, 1866, in Cleveland, Ohio. Hunt moved to Iowa in 1869 with his family. After graduating from Grinnell College in 1892, Hunt started a career as a schoolteacher in Northfield, Minnesota.
Hunt was known as a prolific Masonic writer of world renown while serving as the editor of the Grand Lodge Bulletin, authoring several books on Masonic symbolism, and co-authoring the two-volume series: A History of the Cryptic Rite.
Hunt served as Worshipful Master of Lafayette Lodge 52 in Montezuma, Iowa; as High Priest of Hyssop Chapter in Malcom, Iowa; and as Eminent Commander of Apollo Commandery 26 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
He also was a charter member of the National Masonic Research Association.
Charles Clyde Hunt laid down the working tools of life on July 24, 1948.
ISBN-10 : 1425329772
ISBN-13 : 978-1425329778
1. ONLINE at Freemason.org
Registration Required:
- Lodge Number: 20
- Your Member ID: (Ask Secretary)
- Your Last Name: (Case Sensitive)
2. ONLINE at Square.com
3. CHECK payable to:
Washington Lodge No. 20
(Mailed to 1123 J Street 95814)
(In-Person at 1123 J Street 95814)

Masons of California
Masonic Health Services
The Pavilion at the Masonic Homes
MCYAF Across the Lifespan
Masonic Value Network
Masonic Homes of California Resources
Masonic Philanthropy
Masonic Youth Order Resources Library
California Masonic Foundation Cornerstone Society

Washington Lodge No. 20
2023 Officers
Mauro Lara
Worshipful Master
Matthew Mason
Senior Warden
Joseph Wallach
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Richard Wilson (PM)
William Workman
Senior Deacon
Brandon Jenkins
Junior Deacon
Christopher Hamilton
Kamyl Assè
Senior Steward
Patrick Fischer
Junior Steward
James Dimmitt
Martin Buff
Russell Tomas (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Francisco Marques (PM)
Officers' Coach
Joseph Dongo (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th Masonic District