Congratulations to our newly installed Senior Deacon, Brother Matt Mason. For those who missed it, Brother Mason was installed in his seat during the January Stated Meeting. His diligent work paid off and he successfully qualified with our District Inspector. The path of a lodge Officer moving up the line is not easy, especially the initial jump into the positions that require qualification. Joining the Officer's line may start off well, but as you move forward, the responsibilities change and can become obstacles to overcome.
Even in this early part of 2022, this year is like the path of a Lodge Officer. Although the promise of 2022 was bright, much like the last few years, there are many obstacles to overcome. Navigating between the desire to have our Lodge operate at full strength and making sure the Brothers and their families stay safe is trying. It’s filled with difficult choices.
February will be our first month of degrees for this year. I am excited to see our Lodge grow whether it’s in membership or Brothers moving forward in their Masonic journey. This month, we will be holding a Double Fellow Craft Degree. It’s been some time since our Lodge has performed this ritual (2019). The officers will have practice on February 10 at 6:30 p.m. in Lodge Room 1. Any Brother Fellow Craft or Master Mason is welcome to join in practice. The rituals will be on February 24, starting at 5:30 p.m., in Lodge Room 1. The Senior Deacon is especially important for this ritual and what do you know? We have one! But wait… the Officers School of Instruction (OSI) on February 17 is covering the first section of the second degree. What do you know? It all lines up. Almost as if it was planned this way.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this month should also be the month to celebrate our significant others. One thing I mentioned to the Officers’ spouses was my thanks for lending me their time. When we as Brothers meet, we are not only using our own time. We are also using our spouse’s time. Our spouses may have different opinions on Freemasonry, but what they all have alike is the sacrifice they make that allows us to be here.
My wife, Fahm, has been one of my greatest supporters. From the moment I met her, she has supported me from our time in college, through my career, through raising our children, all the way up to spending five hours of her Saturday helping me decorate for Installation. Sometimes it is a mystery to me on how she put up with everything bad and good. When the day comes that my sons ask me about how we met and the mystery of women, I don’t know how exactly I would answer. I did hear one good explanation from… a video game, of course! In one part of the game, the main protagonist (Bayek) remembered a conversation with his young son (Khemu):
Son: Papo [Papa], when you met mother, how did you know she like you?
Father: My heart lit on fire, of course! She smiled at me, and her eyes rendered me helpless.
Son: So, if a girl likes you, she smiles at you?
Father: Son, there are some things I can explain to you. The stars, how to fight. But this… is something not even the gods can tell…
It may be mysterious, but it’s always appreciated. The only thing I can do is reciprocate. Not just with a heart-shaped pizza that we order every year for over a decade on Valentine’s Day, but every day. And I hope you, my Brothers, reciprocate in your own way to thank them for the mystery of their love.
Get your limited-edition Washington Lodge No. 20 2022 pins. Bearing a resemblance to the insignia of one of the greatest superhero teams ever, get yours at the next in-person Lodge event. Supplies are limited.

As we celebrate Black History Month, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge serves as a milestone for Black history.
On March 6, 1775, for the first time, Black men were made Masons in America. Prince Hall and 14 men of color became masons in Lodge #441 of the Irish Registry attached to the 38th British Foot Infantry in Massachusetts.
The Revolutionary War changed the lodge, but remaining undeterred, African Lodge was organized on July 3, 1776, with Prince Hall as the Worshipful Master. On March 2, 1784, African Lodge #1 petitioned the Grand Lodge of England for a charter to organize a regular Masonic lodge and on September 29, 1784, the charter was issued to African Lodge #459 in Boston.
Worshipful Master Prince Hall organized additional lodges in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island that were designated to work under the charter of African Lodge #459. In December 1808, a year after the death of Worshipful Hall, the three lodges from Boston, Philadelphia, and Providence met and organized the African Grand Lodge.
In 1847, the African Grand Lodge changed their name to the Prince Hall Grand Lodge as it is known today. There are now about 5,000 lodges and 47 grand lodges that can trace their lineage to Prince Hall Grand Lodge.
For more information, visit www.princehall.org.

I hope everyone has been staying healthy in the weeks since my last column.
This month we are excited to kick off our first degree of the year, tentatively the Fellow Craft on the 24th. Ahead of this event, I would like to inspire you with a couple of excursions.
The first jaunt I would like to suggest is to simply spend some time in nature. The Acacia trees begin to bloom in February, so one option is to check out the Eric E. Conn Acacia Grove at UC Davis.
When you are on your walk, take a moment to try to quiet the mind and examine what you see in nature experientially.
Accordingly, explore your five senses and note the impressions of all the different aspects of nature in your perceptions.

Another suggested excursion is to take a walk around (and in, if possible) some of our best examples of neoclassical architecture here in Sacramento.
The first to come to mind is of course the State Capitol.
Other great examples are the Federal building at 8th and I, and also Firehouse No 3 at 1215 19th St (see photo).
With these edifices, try to observe some of the design patterns the architect might have employed in planning the construction of each edifice.
Finally, try to contrast the two. The contours of the natural world are quite different from the surfaces of the urban landscape. When you compare them, what similarities do you see, and also how do they differ? An examination of this question should lead us to many future opportunities for discussion and Masonic education.
This month’s degree should be a wonderful event. I know our Officers and candidates are excited, and I look forward to seeing you there!

Hello, Brethren and families. The first full month of the Masonic year has gone by. I don’t know about you, but to me, it went by very quickly. Hope you are enjoying the new year, even with the new changes. As was mentioned in Worshipful Tomas’ column, we anticipated a bright future in the early parts of 2022, we continue to face challenges caused by the Corona Virus. Please keep safe and continue to take care of yourselves.
I join in congratulating Brother Matt Mason for his installation at our first Stated Meeting this year. I was proud to be the Master of Ceremonies for his installation. Though I must admit to you, I would never do it the justice the way Worshipful Joseph Dongo did at the installation in December, but I will continue to give it the “ole” college try. Congrats, Brother Matt!
The milestones this month are several. We have 16 Brothers and Past Masters celebrating a birthday in the month of February. A very Happy Birthday to each and every one. A particular shout-out goes to Worshipful Joseph Dongo, who celebrates his birthday on February 3, and to Worshipful Phil Hardiman who celebrates his birthday on February 18. It’s time for another candle on that birthday cake!
We also want to celebrate with 19 of our Brethren who have a Masonic Birthday in February. A Big Brotherly shout out to Brother Michael Allen who celebrates his fifth Masonic Birthday and to Brother David W. Cameron, who celebrates 10 years of being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. And let’s not forget Worshipful David H. Cameron, who also makes February his Masonic Birthday. Congratulations to all and well done.
Now on to other milestones. As I mentioned before, we want to celebrate all good things. Among these good things this month, Valentine’s Day stands out, as well as President’s Day. Of significant note is that we celebrate George Washington’s Birthday on the 22nd. It is kind of obvious but bears mentioning, that we are particularly proud to celebrate his birthday.
Valentine’s Day
A little note about St. Valentine. The ancient Romans may be responsible for the name of our modern day of love. Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of different years in the 3rd century A.D. Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St. Valentine's Day. Saint Valentine was supposedly a Roman priest who performed secret weddings against the wishes of the authorities in the third century.
President’s Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February; Presidents' Day 2022 will occur on Monday, February 21. Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, the holiday became popularly known as Presidents' Day after it was moved as part of 1971’s Uniform Monday Holiday Act, an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. While several states still have individual holidays honoring the birthdays of Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other figures, Presidents' Day is now popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents, past and present.

President Washington’s Birthday
The story of Presidents' Day date begins in 1800. Following the death of George Washington in 1799, his February 22 birthday became a perennial day of remembrance.
At the time, Washington was venerated as the most important figure in American history, and events like the 1832 centennial of his birth and the start of construction of the Washington Monument in 1848 were cause for national celebration.
While Washington’s Birthday was an unofficial observance for most of the 1800s, it was not until the late 1870s that it became a federal holiday. Senator Stephen Wallace Dorsey of Arkansas was the first to propose the measure, and in 1879 President Rutherford B. Hayes signed it into law.
Other Holidays
And of course, now to that for which we have been waiting. Worshipful Phil Hardiman is very pleased to know that on February 18, the same day as his birthday, we have a national holiday celebrating NATIONAL CRAB STUFFED FLOUNDER DAY. Yes, you read it right, and you are absolutely on the right track in wondering where the parades for this have gone.
Crab and flounder take center stage on February 18th when National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day arrives each year. The day recognizes the unique, flavorful delight when crab and flounder combine. This one-of-a-kind dish is composed of a stuffing made with crab meat, breadcrumbs, butter, and seasonings, which is stuffed into the whole flounder or rolled up into the fillets and baked.
Flounder is a flatfish in approximately 100 different species. Around the United States, the winter flounder and Pacific flounder are common species. While there are thousands of species of crabs, only certain ones are edible. In the United States, some of the more popular and tasty ones are the blue crab, stone crab, Dungeness, king, and rock or snow crabs. They come in both hard and soft shells and can be found along all the coasts and Hawaii.
Popular along the East and Gulf Coasts, there are a variety of restaurants that serve crab-stuffed flounder, and there are plenty of recipes to try your hand at making at home.
How to observe National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
The day is perfect for snowbirds vacationing along sunny beaches. It’s an excellent time to order up a plate or two at your favorite seafood restaurant. Or maybe you should try your hand at making it at home. Be sure to invite friends and family to join you. How else would you celebrate? I would add that a sweet Riesling or Chardonnay would do well for you and your friends and family.
Thank you all, have a great Valentine’s Day with your sweetheart, and enjoy President Washington’s Birthday perhaps even with a Crab Stuffed Flounder.

The Hourglass
A very special Brother recently stimulated my interest and inspired me to delve deeper into the relevance and symbolic meaning of the hieroglyphical emblem 'The Hourglass' in Freemasonry.
Additionally, he instituted something in our process of initiation, the Chamber of Reflection, where, coincidently, an hourglass is displayed, in which the prospective Brother contemplates how his life is about to change. I encourage all to investigate the rich historical use of this emblem in Freemasonry, but for now…
Winter brings with it a certain melancholy and a time of contemplation and reflection. An icon to Freemasonry, the hourglass, can also bring that certain pensive sadness, dread, or even panic, especially when one considers the teachings regarding a representation of time and death:
“Behold how swiftly the sands run, and how rapidly our lives are drawing to a close!” Wait a second, I feel like we just started this journey and now this contraption is telling me that my time is running out?
Before, the hourglass was to me simply a prop in a board game. Ah, but no, this truth hits me like a cold winter chill or the shout of "last call" at a bar. Drawing to a close? No way!

“We cannot without astonishment behold the little particles which are contained in this machine, how they pass away almost imperceptibly”. Again, wait a second, a minute, an hour! Like the line from the movie Shawshank Redemption, time vanishes “like a fart in the wind” Where did it go? This cannot be! We just got started. I must do something about this sand running out.
“Today he puts forth the tender leaves of hope; tomorrow blossoms and bears his blushing honors thick upon him”. Yes, now we are talking. This is living! We are going about the work of the day, dividing our time as instructed figuratively by the 24-inch gauge, making our mark with more noble and glorious purposes in making ourselves better men while obeying our duties to God, our country, and our neighbors. If only we could lay the hourglass now on its side. Keep it there for a while. Oh but no, not a chance! The verse is not over yet. Of course, there is this next truth from Debbie Downer.
“The next day comes frost which nips the shoot; and when he thinks his greatness is still aspiring, he falls like autumn leaves to enrich our mother earth.”
Again, not me, not now. The sand is relentless and keeps pouring out. Like the immortal words of Dylan Thomas in stopping this sand of life from running out, I will not go gentle into that good night, and of Robert Frost who has promises to keep, and “miles to go before I sleep”. I'm just not ready to enrich the soil and be food for the worms.
For some, the hourglass represents the inevitable end to the mortal being. For me, it lights a fire under me and inspires me to make every grain of that sand count for something. 17 years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer that had a 5-year survival chance of 50%. Surgery and chemotherapy combined with God’s will and the love of my sweet wife Dawn gave me another chance. While it didn't add any grains of sand to my hourglass, I am aware of the inevitable, but not now. No, not now. We still have a lot of work to do yet, my rothers. Here's to making every grain count!

Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
Esoteric Handbook for the Entered Apprentice Mason
by Robert V. Lund
This book is aimed, primarily, at the newly initiated Mason, but it is also for those older Masons who have not delved into the depth of meaning in Masonic ceremonies.
As Freemasonry is a system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols, this book takes a look at what those allegories and symbols are hinting at.
The creators of the amazing Masonic degree ceremonies have added a layer of meaning that goes beyond the obvious moral lessons and starts to point the Mason who seeks light towards a more spiritual understanding of himself and the reason for his existence in this world.
This is the first of three volumes, each aimed at one of the three Craft Degrees.
About the Author
I am a Freemason who has discovered the esoteric side of Freemasonry. This has led me to Theosophy and Rosicrucianism, and a spiritual path.
I began writing articles for the lodge newsletter. Many of these articles found their way into other communications, such as Reflections – a Grand Lodge publication, District magazines, various Masonic websites, and The Light Bearer, a publication of the Canadian Theosophical Society.
I have also created and delivered a number of lectures on the esoteric interpretations of the Masonic Craft degrees.
Born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1952, I immigrated to Canada in 1996.
After joining the Craft in 2005, I have served several terms as the Chairman of the District Education Committee for Toronto West District. I also served as a member of the Grand Lodge Committee for Masonic Education.
I consider myself a seeker of truth and have a keen interest in the origins of mankind, and the origins of religions, which has aided my search for Truth.
ISBN-10 : 1723252794 • ISBN-13 : 978-1723252792
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(916) 832-8357
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Your prompt assistance is appreciated.
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• 03 Stated Meeting Dinner Thursday • 06:15 PM (Banquet Room)
• 03 Stated Meeting Thursday • 07:30 PM (Lodge Room One)
• 10 Officers' Practice (Second Degree) Thursday • 07:00 PM (Lodge Room One)
• 16 Officers School of Instruction Wednesday • 07:00 PM (Lodge Room Three)
Topic: 2nd Degree / 1st Section
• 17 DARK Thursday
• 24 EA Proficiency Thursday • 05:30 PM (LR1)
• 24 Degree Dinner Thursday • 06:00 PM (Banquet Room)
• 24 Double Second Degree - Brothers Brandon Jenkins and Ramey Packer Thursday • 07:00 PM (LR1)
• 28 Executive Committee Meeting Monday • 06:00 PM (Zoom)
• 03 Social Hour Thursday • 05:30 PM (Club Room)
• 03 Roll Call Dinner Thursday • 06:15 PM (Banquet Room)
• 03 Stated Meeting Thursday • 07:30 PM (Lodge Room One)
• 05 Brotherhood Walk Saturday • 02:00 PM (Masonic Temple - Capitol Park)
• 10 Trivia Night Thursday • 07:00 PM (Club Room)
• 16 Officers School of Instruction Wednesday • 07:00 PM (Lodge Room Three)
Topic: 3rd Degree / 1st Section
• 17 DARK Thursday
• 24 TBD Thursday
• 31 TBD Thursday
Since July 2020, thousands of California Freemasons have already begun to access their portals in iMember 2.0, the new membership platform—one of the highest adoption rates of any grand lodge jurisdiction on the system. Yet with so many new features just a finger-swipe away—and many more being prepped for launch this fall—there are still lots of questions left to be answered, starting with some of the most basic.
How to Get to iMember 2.0
iMember 2.0 is designed to work on any mobile phone, tablet, or desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection. Simply visit member.freemason.org/lodges/20 or freemason.org and click the FOR MEMBERS button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. If you haven’t logged on yet, you’ll need to create an account, so have your email address, membership number, and a unique password ready to go.
You Can Download iMember 2.0 on Your Phone
Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you can add a home screen shortcut to access iMember 2.0 quickly and easily. To install, use your web browser to visit the site, and select “Add to home screen.”
The exact placement of the button will depend on your web browser (Safari, Chrome, or Firefox).
More Features in the Works
• Digital Dues, Reminders and Payment Plans
• Expanded Social Networks with App Notifications
• New Ways to Share Resources
• One-Stop Shop for Hall Associations
• Keeping Track of Attendance
iMember 2.0 is available to all Masons in California!
For questions on iMember 2.0, contact Member Services at (415) 292-9180 or memberservices@freemason.org

Washington Lodge No. 20
2022 Officers
Russell Tomas
(707) 315-6593
Nicholas Johnston
Senior Warden
Mauro Lara
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Heath Hamm
Prezell Harris
Assistant Secretary
Matthew Mason
Senior Deacon
Joseph Wallach
Junior Deacon
Creston Whiting-Casey
William Workman
Senior Steward
Michael Contreras
Junior Steward
Martin Buff
Floyd Tritt
Francisco Marques (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Senior Officers' Coach
Francisco Marques (PM)
Junior Officers' Coach
Nicholas Johnston
Head Candidates' Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th District
Secretary’s Office
(916) 832-8357