From the East
Matthew Mason - Worshipful Master

Well, my Brethren, this is my last missive to you from the East.
It has been my distinct honor to have been entrusted by you to guide the lodge in the past year. I am only one link in the long line of faithful Masters who have presided over this Lodge in our 172 years.
Now, I get to sit as a sideliner in the North (or maybe the South, we will see).
My largest personal challenge as Master this year was getting our esteemed Secretary, Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM, his Hiram Award Ceremony. He does so much for the lodge, and it was my full desire for this to happen from day one.
If you don’t know the story, I had the Hiram Award committee literally meet between our Installation and the after-ceremony cocktail party. We had a decision before we left the Temple on December 17th last year. And now, outside of this month’s Stated Meeting, it was my last act…but we did it.
Congratulations, Worshipful, for all you have done!
So join me for our Brother Secretary’s first meeting as a Hiram Award recipient. Dinner will be tamales from Vallejo’s, so even our exalted Cordon Blue team can enjoy breaking bread with us.
It is a stated meeting dinner to enjoy with all of us together.
Speaking of Cordon Blue, Smokey, Pam, Wally, and Eric made a wonderful turkey dinner for us in November. I am so grateful for their contributions to this Lodge as a whole.
Join me at our Annual Installation of Officers on December 8th at 3:00 PM.
You can’t go wrong celebrating good men with festivities, food, and merriment. I’m excited that our Senior Warden, Master-Elect, Brother Joe Wallach, will be taking the easternmost seat at this event.
I know he will do a great job leading our Lodge. I see this based on his successes with Ladies’ Night, Festive Board, and other great things he has done.
I may be moving to the North of the Lodge, but definitely not going dark. So please join me on the sidelines of the lodge room to support our new Master in his year sitting in the East.
Finally, I must end not with me, but you.
It is because of YOU that this year was successful. Your support has been very humbling; you have cooked meals, helped support our Brethren in need, kept our Temple open, made sure the funds were well supervised, communicated with prospects, organized events, and even the simple acts of showing up to Stated and Special Meetings.
To this, I end with my true feelings for the year: THANK YOU!

From the West
Joseph Wallach - Senior Warden

December has come around again, and it’s hard to believe 2024 is already at a close.
I find myself in a space of reflection.
I have thoughts of those we have lost, Brothers who were the double stitching in the fabric of Masonry and our Lodge.
I also recall the Fellowship and good times we’ve shared through our social events and practice of the Craft.
My mind also drifts back to my beginnings in Masonry and my journey that will see me as Master of the Lodge in 2025.
I look forward to seeing you all at this Stated Meeting Dinner and throughout next year as we travel together on that Masonic path.

From the South
William Workman - Junior Warden

As the end of the year approaches and a new year closely following, I look forward to the challenges ahead and the hope of good things to come.
I look back at this year and reflect on the challenges overcome, the joy in what has been, and the enlightenment that has occurred in each of us through another year of Masonry and the wondrous knowledge that we have gained, not only through the Craft but within ourselves and each other, both as teachers and students.
I am so fortunate to have the following quote from our first President and namesake of our Lodge ring wise and true,
"Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company." - George Washington
The traveling on the level of time is enriched by the quality of people that one meets along the path, and in the case of the gentlemen of Washington 20, that path is lit by shining examples of quality, sincerity, and humble genuineness.
The time of giving approaches. The spirit of giving that originated during this season on the day that the Magi brought gifts to the baby Jesus. The spirit of giving without the thought of getting.
The joy we see in others creates special happiness within us and lifts the spirit of our own sufferings and strifes that, for a time, can seem meaningless while we rediscover our lives' true value and meaning.
This joy is the spirit that I feel surrounds us in our lodge. We take time, the most precious gift that we have, to listen, engage, challenge, inspire, and promote for the benefit of each other's well-being.
This is part of what the symbolic Hourglass, the significant centerpiece at our most recent event celebrating the Hiram Award to our esteemed brother, Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM, represents.
We only have so many grains in the hourglass, so giving them to others is a great sacrifice, and simultaneously, it is the nourishment of our souls.
“When I am employed in serving others, I do not look upon myself as conferring favors, but as paying debts. I have received much kindness from men to whom I shall never have an opportunity of making the least direct returns.” - Benjamin Franklin
May you all feel the blessing and grace of the Great Architect of the Universe in this season and find you all in good spirits in our next gathering.

From the SECorner
Francisco Marques - Secretary
At the 11/07/2024 Stated Meeting, Washington 20 conducted the Annual Election of Officers.
The following Lodge members were elected to serve as Officers for the ensuing Masonic Year:
Master-Elect: Brother Joseph Wallach
Senior Warden-Elect: Brother William Workman
Junior Warden-Elect: Brother Brandon Jenkins
Treasurer (Re-Elected): Worshipful Eric Hixson, PM
Secretary (Re-Elected): Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM
The following members were elected to serve as Delegates at the Annual Board Meeting of the Masonic Temple Association of Sacramento scheduled for Monday, March 17th, 2025:
Brother Joseph Wallach
Brother William Workman
Brother Brandon Jenkins
Brother Kevin Hall
Brother Nicholas Johnston
Brother Maury Hicks
Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM
The following were elected to serve as Directors of the Masonic Lawn Association of Sacramento:
Worshipful David Cameron, PM
Brother Kevin Hall
After all the unanimous ballots were cast and approved by the Lodge, the Master-Elect, Brother Joseph Wallach, presented the roster of Appointed Officers for the 2024-2025 Masonic Year:
Chaplain: Brother Ramey Packer
Senior Deacon: Brother Kevin Hall
Junior Deacon: Brother Nicholas Johnston
Marshal: Brother Christopher Hamilton
Senior Steward: Brother Maury Hicks
Junior Steward: Brother Carlos Brusel-Casals
Tiler: Brother Martin Buff
Organist: Brother James Dimmitt
Worshipful Joseph Dongo, PM, and Brothers Nicholas Johnston and Kevin Hall served as Tellers.
Congratulations to the new line of Officers and elected board members.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to serving our Lodge!
We welcome you with open arms and look forward to working alongside you in 2025.
* * *
At the 11/07/2024 Stated Meeting, Washington Lodge No. 20 adopted a standing resolution allowing electronic access to the minutes of Stated and Special meetings.
Click HERE to view the minutes. Sign-up is required.
* * *

Thank you all so much for sharing a beautiful and meaningful moment with me at the Hiram Award Ceremony on Saturday, November 23rd.
In my heart, I may have doubted that I deserved the Hiram Award over other members of our Lodge, whom I hold in respect and reverence – but there is no question of my pleasure and pride in having it for myself.
To be a recipient of the Hiram Award is, indeed, a great honor.
I am so grateful to you for offering this recognition to Masons like me. I hope that this endorsement of my dedication to Freemasonry can inspire others in our Lodge and elsewhere.
I am humbled and appreciative.

Special Announcement
Please join us at our
Annual Installation of Officers
Where we will formally welcome our new leadership team for the ensuing Masonic Year.
Sunday, December 8th
3:00 PM
(Lodge Room)
Followed by Reception
Catered by Tony's Deli
* * *
Brother Joseph Wallach
Brother William Workman
Senior Warden-Elect
Brother Brandon Jenkins
Junior Warden-Elect
Full Line of Officers
* * *
Installing Team:
Worshipful Russell Tomas, PM
Installing Officer
Worshipful Joseph Dongo, PM
Master of Ceremonies
Worshipful Luis Montero, PM
Installing Chaplain
* * *
Worshipful Matthew Mason
Retiring Master
* * *
Masons, Family, and Friends
Attire: Business Professional
Officers: Tuxedo
Reservations are required for the Reception
Cost: FREE

• 03 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 05 Monthly Stated Meeting Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 05 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 08 Annual Installation of Officers (LR1 + Ballroom) Sunday 03:00 PM
• 12 DARK Thursday
• 18 Officers School of Instruction (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
(Topic: Stated Meeting - Opening and Business Session)
• 19 DARK Thursday
• 26 DARK Thursday
• 30 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Monday 06:30 PM
• 02 Monthly Stated Meeting Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 02 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 09 DARK Thursday
• 15 Officers School of Instruction (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
(Topic TBD)
• 16 DARK Thursday
• 23 Officers Practice (LR1) Thursday 07:00 PM
(First Degree)
• 30 Officers Practice (LR1) Thursday 07:00 PM
(Reception of the Inspector of the 414th Masonic District)
02 Cyril Shah (Master Mason)
03 David Minke (Master Mason)
04 Joseph Barnes (Master Mason)
07 Dan Dailey (Past Master)
10 James Dimmitt (Organist)
11 Jason Sibbring (Master Mason)
12 Joseph Basham (Master Mason)
12 Edward Hardiman (Master Mason)
13 Gerald Van Wagner (Master Mason)
17 Morrison England (Master Mason)
20 Marty Buff (Tiler)
21 Michael Allen (Master Mason)
21 Stanley Sanders (Master Mason)
24 Floyd Tritt (Master Mason)
25 Donte Cuellar (Master Mason)
25 Stephen Michalski (Master Mason)
30 Eddie Haskins (Master Mason)
04 Joseph Basham (14 Years)
10 James Keehner (58 Years)
10 Tim Tyler (26 Years)
14 Andrew Wilson (24 Years)
15 Clinton Abbott (25 Years)
15 Melvin Pinsler (73 Years)
15 Branden Polupan (2 Years)
17 Joseph Dongo (Past Master) (26 Years)
19 Francisco Marques (Past Master) (28 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M.
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
Freemasonry is
Kindness in the home,
Honesty in business,
Courtesy in society,
Fairness in work,
Pity and concern for the unfortunate,
Resistance toward evil,
Help for the weak,
Forgiveness for the penitent,
Love for one another and,
Above all, reverence and love for God.
Freemasonry is many things but
Most of all:
Freemasonry is a way of life.
The Lodge Officer's Handbook:
Tools for the 21st Century Freemason
by James Hatcher
A Personal Handbook to carry with you through the Officer Chairs in your Masonic Lodge.
Finally, a breakthrough handbook has arrived for Line Officers of Masonic Lodges to track their progress year-by-year.
Filled with specific information on each job, checklists, and rosters, this handbook has been designed to be written in as a comprehensive record of your service in each chair, from Junior Steward to Worshipful Master, as well as the non-progressive line offices.
Each chapter covers a different office and has a section for you to record your observations on the job, which may be passed on to others who succeed after you.
It serves as both a record of your personal memoirs, as well as a powerful operational and management tool for any Line Officer. No Lodge Officer should be without it. No longer can Lodges "shoot from the hip" administratively and operationally.
Officers must know what to do before they take office and not six months into the job.
It is the ideal gift for someone who is currently serving in or desires to succeed through the various Floor Offices of their Masonic Lodge.
If you are currently an officer of your Lodge, this book will provide you with insight into the inner workings of the Lodge and give you a winning jump on ”the know” for what is ahead.
For Lodges, it provides a turn-key approach to developing a winning Leadership Team.
Bro. James Frank Hatcher III, better known as "Chip," is a Past Master of Rockford Masonic Lodge No. 469.
He is also the Author of the following books in the series, Tools for the 21st Century Freemason:
Vol. 1
Worshipful Master's Guidebook, or the "Book of Joe"
Vol. 2
Lodge Officer's Handbook
Vol. 3
King Solomon's Passport
Vol. 4
Masonic Roll of Fellow Crafts
ISBN-10 : 1493777637
ISBN-13 : 978-1493777631
175th Annual Communication: Public Ceremonies

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Washington Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M.
2024 Officers
Matthew Mason
Worshipful Master
Joseph Wallach
Senior Warden
William Workman
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Ramey Packer
Brandon Jenkins
Senior Deacon
Kevin Hall
Junior Deacon
Christopher Hamilton
Nicholas Johnston
Senior Steward
James Dimmitt
Martin Buff
Mauro Lara (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Joseph Dongo (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
David Lagala (PM)
Inspector 414th Masonic District
Brandon Jenkins
Hall Association Board President