Hello Brethren, Family, and Friends.
The first quarter of the year is in the “rear view.” It has been quite an eventful first quarter. Your line of Officers has been most certainly busy with a variety of different activities.
From an operational perspective, we held an all-Officers meeting to discuss, plan, and schedule the various events we want to hold this year, both traditional as well as new. This includes Masonic, social, educational, ceremonial, committee, and similar endeavors.
From a Masonic perspective, we had a double First Degree and welcomed Brother Ivan Flowers and Brother Anthony Ibarra into our Ancient and Honorable Fraternity. We passed Brother Moises Gonzalez to the degree of Fellow Craft. Congratulations to all three. The line of officers practiced and performed admirably in each of these ceremonies. Thank you.
From a social point of view, we held the Annual Ladies' Luncheon, which was planned and implemented by Worshipful Scott Goode and his lovely wife Lynne. Thank you both. We continued with our traditional dinners prior to Stated Meetings prepared by the Cordon Bleu Committee, led by our very own Brother Bob Taylor. Thank you. We also enjoyed refreshments before and/or after the various events beyond the Stated Meetings thanks to Brother Junior Warden Joe Wallach, Brother Senior Steward Kamyl Asse, and Brother Junior Steward Patrick Fischer. They are members of the Social Committee. Thank you.
From an educational view, our Masonic Education Committee consisting of Brother Senior Warden Matt Mason, Brother Junior Warden Joe Wallach, Brother Senior Deacon Bill Workman, Brother Ramey Packer, Brother Kevin Hall, and Brother Secretary Worshipful Francisco Marques, has been active. The Committee hosted our first Masonic Education Night of the year and are working on at least three more Masonic Education nights in 2023. Additionally, at each of our Stated Meetings, this same committee is ensuring we have the renewed Oration at each meeting that will provide additional Masonic information and education. Thank you.
From a ceremonial standpoint, the Annual Roll Call Dinner was held where we honor the Brethren that left us to go to that glorious and celestial Lodge above. We also recognized the class of 2023. Worshipful Richard and Kitty Wilson planned and presented this event. Thank you.
From other outlooks, Washington 20 is well represented in the Masonic Lawn Association by our own Worshipful David Cameron, PM, who was re-elected president.
The Masonic Temple Association of Sacramento held its Annual Board Meeting and the Lodge was represented by seven Delegates, members of the line of Officers. Congratulations to Brother Brandon Jenkins for being elected as Director representing our Lodge in the Temple Board.
And there is the Officers' School of Instruction (OSI). The Officers have been participating regularly in these monthly offerings to continue on their Masonic journey. Thank you.

Brother Moises Gonzalez - Second Degree - Photo Credit: Social Media Committee
Now, as we look forward into April, we are having our annual Bowling with Brothers on April 13 at Country Club Lanes at 6:00 PM. Please join us for what promises to be a fun and enjoyable experience. We’ll have our second First Degree ceremony on April 27. We will welcome Mr. Kelvin Kimball to our Fraternity.
Other happenings include philanthropic events, such as working with the River City Food Bank, Operation Backpack, and Children's Clothing and Toy Drive for Shriners Hospital. We are also developing plans with one of our sister lodges in the Temple to do a fundraiser at the River Cats to designate the funds for a specific charitable purpose.
The annual Family BBQ Picnic is under development in conjunction with another sister lodge. Doing events with our sister lodges promotes much Brotherly Love and participation. The Hiram Award Committee is getting together to explore any potential candidates for the award. There is a Past Master’s Night coming up later in the summer where a Third-Degree ceremony is planned. The annual Ladies' Night in the fall is on the horizon. A Table Lodge is planned in early summer. A Lecture on Freemasonry in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and World War II is on the schedule in June. Another Ladies' Luncheon and Wine Tasting is in the works. And of course, additional degree ceremonies will be held. But there may be more!
As you can tell, this year’s line of Officers is very active and has many events planned and ready to go. Thank you to the officers for such commitment and dedication. An active lodge is a happy and thriving lodge.
Such is my summary for the first quarter and for anticipated events. I hope that you can participate in any or all. I thank you for your continued trust in me to serve you in the East this year.

From the West
Matthew Mason - Senior Warden

As we move forward in the year, next year’s planning is already starting to take place. This includes activities and how those activities will take place.
What I am looking to hear is your input into what YOU would like to see in the lodge. This includes both you and your spouse, as we cannot do our work without them.
What I want to know from you are the things the lodge is doing well and that you like. I would also like to know things that you would like to see and participate in. I would also like to hear from you on things you would like to see tweaked, whether that be how we run and what happens at meetings, degrees, and anything else in general.

Remember that this is your lodge and as Officers, we are here to serve you. We have many new younger members and I want to make sure you and your families feel welcome with those of us who have been here for a while. After all, we cannot build better men unless we have the support of our families and spouses, as well as being connected as a lodge.
I look forward to hearing from you your ideas and thoughts, so please don’t be shy in contacting me.

From the South
Joseph Wallach - Junior Warden

April has arrived and along with it the spring showers that bring May flowers. It is a time of the year when we are reminded of regeneration and rebirth both by Easter and Earth Day. The resurrection of Jesus from death to life and the new growth that springs forth from what only months earlier appeared as a dead plant.
These changes in animation give us pause to reflect on where we have been last season, where we are now, and how we would like to grow in the future season.
We have 23 birthdays this month, including Worshipful Francisco Marques, PM, and Brother Clint Abbott, both on April Fools' Day.

History of April Fools' Day
Today, pranking on April Fools’ Day has transcended the confinements of the first day of April to become a year-round internet phenomenon.
There’s no consensus on how it all began, but a popular theory is that while nowadays, January 1 is when we start the new year, this wasn’t the case before 1592. We used a calendar called the Julian calendar – created by Julius Caesar in 45 BC – which saw every new year begin on April 1.
Pope Gregory the 8th created a new method for keeping track of days, which was the start of the calendar we all know and love – the Gregorian calendar. When he moved the date of New Year’s Eve it obviously took some time for everyone to catch on to it. Those who were a bit behind the times still celebrated on April 1, and were considered fools for doing so.
One lesser-known, often argued explanation for our beloved prank day is buried in a 1392 book called “The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer. One line in this publication simply references “March 32”, and the debate to its meaning was born. Without much context and being dated so far back, the interpretation remains a mystery. Some believe it to be a joke, dawning this annual tradition, while some say it’s none other than a misprint.
Whether we have Gregory the 8th or Geoffrey Chaucer to thank for April Fools’ Day, it has existed for centuries and will continue to cause a flurry of creativity and excitement in the first few weeks of spring.
In closing, Brethren, I look forward to seeing everyone during our practices and social events.

The Rite of Circumambulation
Ramey Packer - Masonic Education Committee
The following is an edited passage of THE SQUARE AND COMPASSES, In Search of Freemasonry by Worshipful Donald Horwood Bailey Falconer, Past Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, Scottish Rite, New South Wales, Australia, Chapter 12, The Rite of Circumambulation. I have edited this section significantly for brevity.
To circumambulate means to walk roundabout, which is derived from the Latin words circum meaning "around" and ambulare/ambulatum meaning "to walk."
In its original sense, it referred to that portion of the religious rites in the ancient ceremonies of initiation, wherein the candidate was conducted in a formal procession around the altar or some other holy and consecrated object.
Originally, circumambulation was only performed in the lodge in relation to the specific preparation and examination of the candidate prior to his obligation, to ensure that he was properly prepared and a fit and proper person to participate in the ensuing ceremony. This procedure reflected the combined symbolisms of the circle and the Ancient Egyptian circle of existence, which was intended to remind the candidate that his upward course of purification was beginning.
In the eighteenth century, the development of the rituals of speculative craft freemasonry was at its peak. At that time the masonic scholars who prepared the rituals gave clear and conventional explanations of the ceremonials, which left no doubt of their intention that the rite of circumambulation should represent the "toilsome progress of humanity," advancing from barbarism to civilization and from ignorance to enlightenment.
Although they are not identical to the rituals now worked, some of the very old catechisms and lectures clearly indicate that the early ritualists visualized the progression of candidates through the three degrees of speculative craft Freemasonry as a symbolic journey from the profane world to a spiritual paradise, typified by the progress of the priests through the several compartments of King Solomon's Temple.
Ancient secret systems of teaching are generally called Mysteries, from the compound Greek word misthrion, which has a range of associated meanings including a mystery, a secret, and also an initiate. The Mysteries have existed in all parts of the world and in all periods of its history. They taught suitably receptive individuals about human nature and human destiny, by imparting to their prepared minds what was then known about human life and divine things, but they were withheld from the multitude whose lack of education and understanding might profane those teachings or who might use the esoteric knowledge for perverse purposes.
Such systems existed in Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea, India, and China from the most ancient times. They were also used among the Hebrews, the Greeks, the Druids, and the Romans in later times, for many centuries before the advent of Christianity. Although the form of communication has varied from age to age, the central theme of an initiation in all of the Mysteries has always been the Rite of Circumambulation.
Initiation in the ancient Mysteries represented a spiritual rebirth, for which the candidate was required to undergo appropriate preparation and purification. During the ceremony of initiation, the candidate was usually cloaked in white and conducted three times in a clockwise direction around the altar or other consecrated object. Great care was taken to follow the apparent clockwise course of the sun because the sun was a symbol of the commencement of a new life.
The circuits always commenced in the east which was regarded as the source of light, thence passing through the south to the west and returning through the north to the east, which also was esteemed as the birthplace of God and hence the logical place to seek a spiritual rebirth. Many famous persons were initiates of the ancient Mysteries, including Aristotle, the philosopher and scientist, Euclid, the mathematician, Plato, the philosopher, Pythagoras, the philosopher and mathematician, Socrates, the philosopher, Saint John, Saint Paul, and many other well-known teachers.

The Druidical Mysteries of the ancient Celts were similar to the other ancient Mysteries, except that the initiate's robe incorporated three colors that they considered to be sacred. The three colors were white which was the symbol of light, blue which was the symbol of truth, and green which was the symbol of hope. In the next stage, which was equivalent to the second degree in speculative craft freemasonry, the candidate wore a blue robe emblematical of his search for the truths of life.
In the final stage, which was equivalent to the third degree in speculative craft freemasonry, the candidate wore a white robe emblematical of the light of knowledge that was the ultimate object of his quest. At the beginning of each session of worship, the Druids rededicated themselves, when the priests made three clockwise circuits around the sacred central cairn, followed by all of the worshippers and commencing from the east.
Most modern religions incorporate features of the ancient Mysteries in their attendant ceremonials. The Rite of Circumambulation probably is the one most readily identifiable of those ancient usages and customs because it is the one most frequently seen. Its use is always associated with the basic religious element of consecration.
Brahmanism is a comparatively modern religious system practiced by the Hindus. It springs from an ancient and primitive Aryan religion nearly as old as the ancient religion of Egypt. It did not have any one founder but developed gradually over a period of almost five thousand years, during which time it absorbed and assimilated all the religious and cultural movements of India. Priests and other devout Brahmans, on first rising each morning, rededicate themselves by facing the east and adoring the sun, then walking to the west by way of the south and back to the east by way of the north. During this circumambulation they recited, among other things:
"I follow the course of the sun, to obtain the benefit arising
from a journey round the earth by way of the south."
Muslims who undertake the Hadj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, are required to participate in the Tawuf, which is considered to be a very sacred part of the ceremonies. The Tawuf, or circumambulation of the Kaaba, must be carried out seven times. The circumambulation of sacred places and consecrated objects was a common practice among the animistic Semites long before the introduction of Islam. The Rite of Circumambulation was retained by the Prophet but given a new significance.
The reason given for the circumambulation of the Kaaba is that the Kaaba represents the celestial throne of Allah that is constantly being circumambulated by angels. This part of the pilgrimage relates to the consecration of the mind, body, and soul to Allah.
The early Christians readily adapted aspects of the ancient Mysteries to their own requirements. Probably the most obvious adaptation is the use of the Rite of Circumambulation in association with dedication and consecration. Two very old ceremonies, those known as "beating the bounds" in England and "riding the marches" in Scotland, both derive from the Roman practice of dedicating the boundary stones of the fields, which originated in about 700 BC. There are existing documents, from as early as 550AD, recording that bishops and their clergy accompanied parishioners circumambulating the boundaries of the fields for this purpose.
Gulielmus Durandus (1237-1296), describes the ceremony of consecrating a church in the thirteenth century in one of his books entitled the Speculum Judicale. He says that the bishop's procession made three circuits clockwise around the church, during which the bishop knocked on the door after each circuit, but was admitted only on the third occasion.
This form of ceremonial exists to the present day and is even reflected in the opening of parliaments, when the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod knocks three times on the door of the House of Commons or House of Representatives to gain entrance for the opening of Parliament. In consecration ceremonies, the chaplain circumambulates with a censer to disperse incense, which is an ancient symbol of purification. This practice perpetuates the usage of the ancient Israelites and also is a regular practice in Christian churches.

Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, David Leakey, walks across the Central Lobby of the Palace of Westminster to the House of Commons to summon members of parliament to listen to the Queen's Speech during the State Opening of Parliament ceremony in London. (Credit: Cambridge News, October 2017)
Batter Up!
Be a Supporter by Funding a Child’s Mitt
For the 2023 Masons4Mitts Fundraiser
Support the SF Giants Junior Giants Program!
For each $20 donation, a quality baseball glove will be provided to a needy youth in the local Junior Giants program.
This program is more than just baseball and softball. Kids and parents attend programs about leadership, teamwork, health, safety, finances, and good citizenship.
Support your lodge’s participation in this great program!
Go to www.masons4mitts.org
Click SF Giants Logo
Click Sacramento Cyclones
Click Give a Mitt
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#WLN20 #Masons4Mitts
• 04 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 06 Fellowship Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 06 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 13 Annual Bowling with Brothers (Country Club Lanes) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 19 OSI (Officers School of Instruction) Wednesday 07:00 PM
Topic: 2nd Degree - Second Section
• 20 First Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 27 First Degree (Initiation Ceremony) Mr. Kelvin Kimball (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
MAY (Public Awareness Month)
• 02 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
• 04 Fellowship Dinner (Banquet Room) Thursday 06:00 PM
• 04 Monthly Stated Meeting (LR1) Thursday 07:30 PM
• 11 Degree Practice (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 17 OSI (Officers School of Instruction) (LR3) Wednesday 07:00 PM
Topic: 3rd Degree - Second Section
• 18 DARK Thursday
• 20 Annual Family BBQ Picnic (Location TBD) Saturday 10:00 AM
• 25 Degree or DARK (LR1) Thursday 06:30 PM
• 30 Monthly Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom) Tuesday 06:30 PM
“Forget-Me-Not” Symbol of Freemasonry
Nazi Germany’s treatment of Masons and
Masonry before and during World War II
Special Guest Speaker:
Worshipful Narbeh Bagdasarian
Past Grand Bible Bearer
Past Master of Glendale Lodge No. 368
Master of La France Lodge No. 2056
Inspector of 737th Masonic District

Hitler and his officers’ opinion about Masonry
The three principal enemies of Freemasonry in the Third Reich
Anti-Masonic Propaganda by the Third Reich
Closure of Masonic Lodges
Imprisonment of Freemasons
Lodges operating in the German Concentration Camps
“Forget-Me-Not” flower as the symbol of Masonic Solidarity
Thursday, June 22nd
Dinner at 06:00 PM
Presentation at 07:00 PM
Washington Lodge No. 20
Sacramento Masonic Temple
1123 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Please RSVP at
by Friday, June 16, 2023
Family and non-Masons are welcome!
APRIL 2023
01 Francisco Marques (Past Master)
01 Clint Abbott (Master Mason)
03 Joshua Djubek (Master Mason)
04 Alex Baloji (Master Mason)
05 William Sherrard (Master Mason)
06 David Huez (Master Mason)
06 Scott Van Wagner (Master Mason)
08 Robroy Gerolamy (Master Mason)
10 Donald Bader (Master Mason)
11 Frank Werner (Master Mason)
12 James Clark (Master Mason)
13 Michael Shannon (Entered Apprentice)
13 Thomas L. Weary (Master Mason)
14 Thomas A. Weary (Master Mason)
20 Jeret Burnett (Past Master)
21 Erick Leutholtz (Master Mason)
21 George Rotas (Master Mason)
22 Denny Carlson (Master Mason)
24 Jacob Cummings (Master Mason)
25 John Lowrey (Master Mason)
07 Bob Taylor (54 Years)
08 George Rotas (47 Years)
17 Phil Hardiman (Past Master) (46 Years)
20 Joseph Barnes (45 Years)
24 Jared Yoshiki (Past Master) (9 Years)
25 Maury Hicks (11 Years)
25 Martin Zimmerman (34 Years)
26 Thomas Weary (11 Years)
28 Paul Derouen (40 Years)
Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
The Builders
A Story and Study of Freemasonry
By Joseph Fort Newton
Recent years have seen a plethora of reprints of "old" Masonic texts, published on demand, reasonably priced, and available online after being decades out of print.
Joseph Fort Newton's work, The Builders: A Story and Study of Freemasonry, first published in 1914, is perhaps his most famous work and is commonly regarded as a masterpiece on the subject of the spirit and history of Freemasonry.
The Builders looks into the deep ancient past to glean the roots of this secretive organization, Fort Newton looks at the Dionysian Artificers and Roman Collegia amongst others to accurately consider the roots and spirit of the movement. It also clears up some common misconceptions about the movement, by looking to the past.
Joseph Fort Newton (1880-1950) was a Baptist minister, priest, attorney, and instructor of English literature at the University of Iowa. He authored several such works which have now been rediscovered. One of these works, The Builders: A Story and Study of Freemasonry, remains an important volume on Freemasonry with relevance to the reader today.
ISBN-10 : 1975877764
ISBN-13 : 978-1975877767
1. ONLINE at Freemason.org
Registration Required:
- Lodge Number: 20
- Your Member ID: (Ask Secretary)
- Your Last Name: (Case Sensitive)
2. ONLINE at Square.com
3. CHECK payable to:
Washington Lodge No. 20
(Mailed to 1123 J Street 95814)
(In-Person at 1123 J Street 95814)

Masons of California
Masonic Health Services
The Pavilion at the Masonic Homes
MCYAF Across the Lifespan
Masonic Value Network
Masonic Homes of California Resources
Masonic Philanthropy
Masonic Youth Order Resources Library
California Masonic Foundation Cornerstone Society

Washington Lodge No. 20
2023 Officers
Mauro Lara
Worshipful Master
Matthew Mason
Senior Warden
Joseph Wallach
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Francisco Marques (PM)
Richard Wilson (PM)
Prezell Harris
Assistant Secretary
William Workman
Senior Deacon
Brandon Jenkins
Junior Deacon
Christopher Hamilton
Kamyl Assè
Senior Steward
Patrick Fischer
Junior Steward
James Dimmitt
Martin Buff
Russell Tomas (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Officers' Coach
Joseph Dongo (PM)
Head Candidates' Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th Masonic District
Brandon Jenkins
Board Director