COVID-19 is not the first epidemic our Lodge Brothers have faced. In 1918, around the time our Masonic Temple was being built, the first World War and the influenza worldwide pandemic were happening at the same time - before we even knew what a virus was. La gripe came in three waves and proceeded to kill more people than the casualties of the war and finally ended in 1920.
Through those difficult times, Washington Lodge aimed to aid the Brethren and family members who became ill, lost jobs, or were suffering hardship because of the pandemic. Volunteers frequently visited hospitals and residences to aid the brothers in need – but especially the soldiers returning from the war.
In the current world pandemic, our Lodge has been reaching out to members - and those who needed assistance were given guidance and support. From dues remissions and debt forgiveness to offering to help with groceries and house chores, from emotional support to financial help from various sources but most especially through the Distressed Worthy Brother Relief Fund administered through the Masonic Outreach Services. I was thrilled to see WLN20 members eager to roll up their sleeves and help each other; some, by secretly paying dues for another Brother; others, by paying surprise visits and bringing gifts to the Brothers' homes. This is indeed one of the most beautiful aspects of being a Freemason.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 916-832-8357 or Master@WLN20.org if you want to chat or if you need any assistance and I will receive you with a warm heart and arms wide open.
This month of April - “Aprilis” in Latin, from “aprire” which means “to open” - will be of special significance to Washington Lodge No. 20. The date of April 1st marks the 101st Anniversary of the first Stated Meeting that Washington Lodge ever held at the Sacramento Masonic Temple.
That first of all meetings took place on Thursday, 04/01/1920. This year, as April 1st also falls on a Thursday, Stated Meeting night, we were planning to open our doors for a very special dinner for all the Brothers. Sadly, no gatherings are yet allowed in our building.
If you attended the A Toast to the Past virtual event last month, you saw that we had the honor to present a very special Book of Records maintained by our Brother Secretaries through history.
In the minutes for 04/01/1920, Brother T.L. Milne (acting Secretary) wrote on page 168:
“This being the first meeting of a Masonic body in the new Temple, many expressions of regret at leaving the old Hall where so many of us first saw Masonic light, were made, and yet Washington Lodge was accorded the distinguished honor of holding the first meeting in the new Temple.”
The Worshipful Master was Archibald M. Cameron, manager of the Sacramento Golden State Laundry & Dry Cleaners, originally located at 1220 J Street. In the 1970s, the business was sold, its space converted into offices and incorporated into the new tower of the Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel.

The Book of Records is an impressive exemplification of our rich history in itself. Covering all Stated and Special Meetings from 12/06/1917 through 12/17/1923, the book measures 12” in width, 16” in height, 2” in thickness, and weighs no less than 11.2 pounds containing 512 numbered pages filled with impressive calligraphic skills.
This is the fifth of a series of twelve books, all of similar beauty and size. The first volume is dated February 19, 1852, with handwritten records of our first Stated Meeting under dispensation and the twelfth book ends with the minutes of a Special Meeting on 12/10/1992, marking the beginning of a new era of electronic documents, Microsoft Windows, and .doc files.
Back to 1920: I can only imagine what our Brothers went through to have the new building erected and at the same time fight the consequences of the pandemic and post-war failing economy. The Masonic Temple Association of Sacramento (nonprofit organization registered on 12/04/1906) opened the doors of our edifice for the first time to Freemasons on April 1st and to the general public on May 13th, 1920. The magnificent ballroom was packed with guests, enjoying the energy, the spirit, and the vibrant music of the now so-called the Roaring ’20s. It is with that spirit in mind that I would like to celebrate the sense of freedom, lifestyle, and customs of that time.
After a devastating combination of world pandemic and war, Washington Lodge survived and thrived better than ever. Could this new post-covid-19-era be the beginning of a new cultural miracle of reconciliation and a renewed sense of wonder and togetherness for our Brothers and our nation?
If everything goes as planned – and, please, just bear with me for a moment and imagine that we can actually plan for something and make it happen again – I would like to invite you to join your fellow Brethren and ladies of Washington Lodge No. 20 for an incredible evening of dining, dancing, and celebration in honor of our Ladies and Widows, on Saturday, November 6th, 2021, in our Annual Ladies’ Night.
Please mark your calendar and get ready to take a step back into time and relive the night of our 1920 grand opening with live music and prohibition-era style cocktails. Dare to grab your dancing shoes, fancy ensemble, and get ready to dance like never before. Guests are encouraged to dress in the style of the 1920s. We are looking to recreate the magic from that era in our beautiful Ballroom. Flappers? Yes, please!
The program starts at 6:00 PM with 1920’s music performed by the amazing Phonotone Orchestra under the direction of my good friend and genius maestro Dr. Gerhard Bauer. Tickets will be sold between July 1st and October 15th. Reservations are required for admittance to the Ballroom, so please get your tickets early. The cost is $15 for ladies and $25 for gentlemen. FREE for WLN20 Ladies and Widows.

Dr. Gerhard Bauer
As you can imagine, the administration of the Masonic Temple has been carefully planning and preparing for reopening the lodge rooms and ballroom over the past few months. In light of the most recent updates regarding the vaccination program, we are now in a drastically different position than one year ago - when we were told to close the door and cancel all events.
The quicker pace of reopening is tied to a new plan to vaccinate the most vulnerable residents in our state. Once 2 million people across 400 ZIP codes in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of California receive at least one vaccine dose, it will be easier for counties to exit the most restrictive tiers.
That threshold was reached in March. Once 4 million people in those hardest-hit neighborhoods are vaccinated, counties will be able to open up even more. California still has among the most severe restrictions of any state; still, the situation has improved with great speed.
For the first time in more than a year, the vast majority of locals can now dine indoors, go to the gym, catch a movie at the theater or attend a religious service. The mood has been lighter in recent weeks, as case numbers continue to show a dramatic decline and major cities lift rules that have been among the strictest and longest-lasting in the country.
The rate of people testing positive for the infection has fallen to 2.3% in the last week, one of the lowest levels of the pandemic. Hospitalizations that topped out at nearly 22,000 in early January are down to 4,500 now and projected to fall below 500 statewide by early April, according to state models. Similarly, models predict just 125 ICU patients in a month's time.
I honestly believe that – day by day – we are getting to higher levels of immunity in our communities. I am very optimistic – but cautiously so. I want to go back to our lodge room as much as you do but we cannot let our guard down. We came this far but we just need to stick together a little bit more. We are so close to being able to say these beloved words again…
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
I am truly looking forward to seeing you all back in our Temple. Stay safe.

What can I do to help Sacramento reopen faster?
Stay home except for essential needs.
Limit mixing with people you don’t live with.

The news of decreasing COVID-19 positivity rates and hospitalizations coupled with our state steadily moving through the tiers of vaccination eligibility brings us hope and shows us there is a finish line, but we must not let our guard down. Scuttlebutt of lodges reopening soon is beginning to make their rounds. Until Grand Lodge gives us the official word, we must continue to steel our resolve as our situation, although improving, is still delicate. In the meantime, the best course of action is to focus our energy where it matters most.
Last month I started getting back into the fitness mindset. Like many others during the pandemic who have not been able to go to their favorite gym, I joined the online fitness community. During one of the classes, a trainer talked about how we should “protect our energy.” We have heard “conserve your energy” many times in many different situations, but “protecting your energy” was a new concept to me. This of course led me down the internet rabbit hole and now I’m going to give you the “top ten ways to protect your energy and number three will surprise you!” I’m kidding of course. The mantra, however, can still be applied to our Masonic lives.
Over the past few years, our world developed a very polarizing atmosphere in many aspects of our lives. Hearing “protect your energy” reminded me of many conversations I had with brothers and friends. Too often have these conversations led to discussions on issues that people find disagreeable (one way or the other), but are otherwise out of their direct control. I realized that my own energy has been wasted focusing on what I disagree with rather than on what I can do now and what life is presenting to me. COVID has proven that our plans can mean very little in an instant. It’s in the same vein we hear that old Yiddish adage, “Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.”
Protecting your energy can be focusing it on the parts of life that come to you or are already in front of you. On a podcast (because that’s what we listen to nowadays) by Buddhist teacher Noah Rasheta, I heard an excellent video game (because, of course, it’s me) analogy to life. Tetris. Live your life like playing Tetris. Deal with the next piece as it comes up as best you can and don’t spend time lamenting that you didn’t get the piece you wanted. You deal with it and then you deal with the next one and then the next one. This will foster a sense of being present in the moment.

Ask yourself what pieces are heading your way or are in front of you. With the ending of the pandemic in sight and the possibility of our Lodge opening, is there something you can focus your energy on?
Do you want to join the line of Officers? Speak to any current Officer about what it takes. Do you have a proficiency to prepare for? Contact your coach. Do you want to continue your Masonic journey through the degrees you have yet to achieve? Contact Worshipful Master Francisco Marques. Do you have a candidate you need to coach? Reach out to them. Is there a charity idea you want to bring to the Lodge? Contact the philanthropy committee. There are so many ways to focus your energy (and thereby protecting your energy) for the good of the Brotherhood and society in general.
President John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address in January 1961 made famous by the line “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country,” ended it with words all Freemasons can live by:
“Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.”

We have some great milestone birthdays this month. In April of 1961, Brother Charles Dunbar was raised to The Sublime Degree of Master Mason. That same month, some sixty years ago, Brother Scott Van Wagner was born. Twenty years later, the world welcomed Brother William T. Piper III, who is turning the big 4-0 this month. Happy milestones to all three of you.
The Month of April brings us into the sign of Taurus, which immediately brings to mind the symbol of the bull. To date, my columns have looked to the West and focused on the Greeks. What could we learn if we started in the East first, and worked our way West?
A review of the Vedic literature circa 1500-1000 BC discusses a deity named Mitra, often paired with Varuna. Mitra is a deity called an Ādityá, which are seven in number and reflect different manifestations of sun-gods.
The etymology for the word mitra is "(that which) causes [-tra] to bind [mi-]", which later became the sanskrit word mitram, which means "covenant, contract, oath."
Mitra is said to be the protector of Ṛta, which is a vedic principle of natural order, that roughly translates to “order, rule, truth.” From the Vedic perspective, Ṛta is what regulates the operation of the universe.
We Masons similarly use Geometry to curiously trace nature through her various windings to her most concealed recesses, and view with delight the proportions which connect this vast machine. A review of the Second Degree monitorial will provide for additional inspiration. In addition, included in the sidebar are some great quotes from the Ralph TH Griffith translation of the Vedas.
Fast forward to about 200-100 BC and Mitra is featured prominently in the Avesta scriptures of the Zoroastrians, prominent in ancient Persia. Here, Mitra is known as Mithra, a god of the rising sun, contracts, and friendship. He also oversees the changing of seasons, and the variety of scenes each season displays to the discerning eye. He is an all-seeing protector of truth and the guardian of cattle.
Inspiration of this benefactor of bovines then spread westward to - you guessed it - the Greeks. There, they adopted a mystery religion called Mithraism inspired by the Zoroastrians.

This religion continued into the Roman Age and was popular within the soldiers of the Roman Army in the first few millennia A.D. This Mithraism movement had some fascinating characteristics:
A complex system of seven grades of initiation, each with symbolic working tools
Initiates swore an oath of secrecy and dedication
A recital of a catechism in question and answer format
Communal ritual meals
Initiates were called syndexioi, those "united by the handshake"
Feasts around the summer solstice
Met in windowless temples, called mithraeum
Mithraism has plenty of bovine imagery, the most famous being the Tauroctony, or Mithras slaying the bull. Above is an example of a relief found in one of the mithraeum. Note the Sun and the Moon in each corner, and the Phrygian Cap, understood to originate from Anatolia, indicative of the eastern origins of the rites.
The bull has been prominent in many cultures throughout the ages. Some other prominent examples include Mesopotamia, Egypt, Asia, Europe and the Levant. Even the Temple of Solomon featured the Molten Sea top twelve brazen bulls.
As we think about the upcoming month, I like to draw inspiration from the bull’s qualities of strength, power, hard work, and determination. These are qualities well used by all Masons who labor tirelessly in the quarries to improve themselves and the Brethren whose company they keep.

Drawing inspiration from the Mithraic tradition, one order in the UK is open to Master Masons:
Mysteries of Mithras
Some quotes from the Vedas:
Hymn LIX:
MITRA, when speaking, stirreth men to labor: Mitra sustaineth both the earth and heaven.
Your magic, Mitra-Varuna, resteth in the heaven. The Sun, the wondrous weapon, cometh forth as light....Wise, with your Law and through the Asura's magic power ye guard the ordinances, Mitra-Varuṇa. Ye by eternal Order govern all the world. Ye set the Sun in heaven as a refulgent car.
Hymn LXIX:
Three spheres of light, O Varuṇa, three heavens, three firmaments ye comprehend, O Mitra: Waxed strong, ye keep the splendor of dominion, guarding the Ordinance that lasts forever.
Hymn LXVI:
So at the rising of the Sun we think of you with hymns to-day, Even as Varuṇa, Mitra, Aryaman deserve: ye are the charioteers of Law. True to Law, born in Law the strengtheners of Law, terrible, haters of the false, In their felicity which gives the best defense may we men and our princes dwell.
Some quotes from the Zoroastrian texts:
Avestan (Zoroastrian) Mihr Yashi:
'The ruffian who lies unto Mithra brings death unto the whole country, injuring as much the faithful world as a hundred evil-doers could do. Break not the contract, O Spitama! neither the one that thou hadst entered into with one of the unfaithful, nor the one that thou hadst entered into with one of the faithful who is one of thy own faith.
Avestan (Zoroastrian) Niyayesh:
We sacrifice to Mithra
The lord of all countries,
Whom Ahura Mazda created the most glorious
Of the supernatural yazads.
So may there come to us for aid
Both Mithra and Ahura, the two exalted ones.
We sacrifice to the immortal,
Radiant, swift-horsed Sun.
I shall sacrifice to Mithra of wide cattle pastures, who has a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes.
I shall sacrifice to his mace, well-aimed against the skulls of the Daevas, Mithra of wide cattle pastures. And I shall sacrifice to that friendship which is the best of friendships, that between the Moon and the Sun.

Second on a series of articles on the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Rhetoric is the art of persuasion.
Now the question becomes, what is persuasion? Simply put, it is the art of attempting to have an effect by the use of intentional choices.
There are three effective ways to exercise rhetoric. It is in the use of logos, ethos, and pathos. For those that did not take Latin, or don’t remember much of it from when you took it in high school, these represent logic, credibility, and emotion.
Logos, or logic, directs a reader or audience to change someone’s mind based on reasoning with the clarity of a claim with supporting evidence. This should be the foundation of any argument, and a sound argument cannot exist without reason.
Ethos, or credibility, is a key to any rhetorical argument. Ethos is delivered through the tone and style of the message and often relies on the reputation of the author or orator. Often, ethos depends on the speaker or author how they take into consideration differing views on the topic.
Finally, there is pathos, or the use of emotions to sway an opinion on a matter. This is where a presenter appeals to the sympathies or imagination of an audience and has them identify with the presenter, essentially feeling what the presenter feels.
Contrary to what many try to do in modern rhetoric, the use of pathos cannot work independently and must work together with logos. This is where the strongest use of rhetoric is successful, using logic with emotion.
There are many ways to apply these three facets of rhetoric, but they all boil down to these three. We will cover some of these in the rhetorical presentation at the Fellowship & Education Night on Thursday, 04/01, before our Stated Meeting.

Embarking on your Masonic Experience
Masonic General Membership Knowledge
Brethren, for the month of April, there are a few items we need to share with you that are essential Masonic general knowledge as a member. Many of us may have been asked who we are.
What do we do? What are we about? What is our purpose? What are your roles, rights, and duties as a member? Why should I become a member?
As a new member, you may not have all the answers to appropriately respond. Below is information you should know as you embark on your Masonic experience.
Quick General Guide Responses you may use to prepare yourself for frequently asked questions:
Who are the Masons?
Freemasonry is a fraternity of like-minded men who sincerely care about each other, despite our diversity, interests, and beliefs. It is the world’s first and largest fraternal organization.
What do Masons do?
We continually strive to develop lifelong friendships with fellow Masons and their families that expand throughout the world and many generations. We develop personal growth and improve and provide charity relief to others that make a positive difference within our communities. We also create an environment that allows us to help make the world a better place. We support many Masonic philanthropies dedicated to public education, caregiving, and leadership.
Can we discuss Freemasonry with others within the community?
Although it is our Masonic custom not to solicit members because men must seek membership of their own free will from a Mason they know or from a local lodge, you may ask a man if he has considered membership in the Fraternity. You may also ask if he would like more information or have questions about Masonry. You can either provide brochures or direct him to the www.freemason.org website and click on the “Discover Masonry” tab. There is a Q&A section on the site available for those inquiring about Freemasonry. Let him know that if he would like to apply for membership, you can help him to obtain an application.
As a member, do I have to live a secret lifestyle and make sure no one knows I am a Freemason?
As a courtesy reminder and to provide some clarity, membership in Freemasonry is not a secret. All members are free to acknowledge their membership. There is no secret about any of Masonry’s aims or principles and all Masonic constitutions, rules, and meeting locations are clearly identifiable and available to the public. Freemasonry is similar to many organizations in regards to internal business affairs that are considered private and for members only, such as ceremonies, grips, and passwords.
Roles and Duties
Your role, rights, and duties as a California Mason are described in the California Masonic Code (CMC), which is, a manual guide that governs our rules and regulations, constitutions, and dispensations.
Rights and Benefits
Depending on your membership status, there are a few things you are entitled to:
For Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts, you may:
1) Be invited and attend ALL Stated Meetings or ceremonial degrees and meetings within your respective membership status or below within the jurisdiction of California. It is highly encouraged for members to visit and attend other lodge’s meetings or ceremonial degrees within your membership status, if you are able; however, please ensure you receive the consent of the Master of your Lodge and also from the Master of the Lodge you plan on visiting. You must be accompanied by a Master Mason who has previously sat in the lodge with you. In addition, consult with the Secretary, in advance, for more guidance and assistance if you desire to visit another lodge.
2) Request a demit or transfer your membership to another lodge, however, your request must be in writing with your signature, your membership must be in good standing and current, and presented and approved by the lodge in which you received your degree.
For Master Masons, you may:
1) Participate in all lodge meetings; however, if there is a breach of propriety, the Master of the Lodge may refuse your admission.
2) Have the right to a Masonic memorial service or burial with Masonic honors. If your financial circumstances require it, the lodge may pay your burial expenses and the burial expenses of your widow and any dependent orphans.
3) Seek relief from the Lodge during financial hardships.
4) Have the right to vote on matters before the lodge and on applications for degrees and affiliation.
5) Request a demit or transfer to another lodge.
Roles and Duties for All Members
1) Uphold the moral duties contained in your obligation.
2) Obey Masonic law in the California Masonic Code and the rights and duties contained in the ritual.
3) Retain membership in a Lodge and pay dues in a timely manner.
4) Protect the esoteric or secret portion of the ritual from improper disclosure.
5) Maintain confidentiality of all lodge proceedings.
6) Comply with any notice from your lodge, if you can do so without great inconvenience.
7) Obey a summons, which is an imperative order to appear as specified.
8) Attend the funeral of a deceased member of your Lodge or any other Master Mason residing within the vicinity of your lodge at the time of his death.
9) Participate in your lodge activities to enable you to fully enjoy the benefits of the Fraternity. Be an active member by attending lodge meetings, events, programs, and community service opportunities. Attend degree nights to support new Masons. Suggest activities or projects. Bring your family to lodge events, so they can share the Masonic experience with you. This is your Masonic Journey and we would like you to make the best of your experience.
Your Masonic Odyssey
In closing, Brethren, although this is a mere snapshot of some of the answers to your questions you may have as you embark on your journey in freemasonry, please be advised there is so much more. Your coach and mentor can assist and guide you to ensure you will be able to enjoy the best Masonic experience possible.
In addition, we hope you now have more of a clear understanding and have developed the appropriate confidence in your role as a member of Freemasonry. We also hope that you have a sense of peace of mind knowing you have the liberties of talking freely about the purposes and principles of the fraternity, membership requirements, financial obligations, and expectations of members while still honoring your duty to protect the secret portions of the ritual from improper disclosure and maintaining the confidentiality of all lodge proceedings.
As always, Brethren, we instill and encourage you to please keep an open mind, expand your learning capabilities and be a student at heart.

Washington Lodge No. 20
Mission Statement
To practice and promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide
brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences.
Through Masonic principles and tradition, and by the outward expression of these
through its fellowship and compassion, Washington Lodge No.20 Free & Accepted Masons provides ways in which to serve God, family, country, neighbors, and self in an environment that contributes to the enrichment and betterment of its members, mankind, and its communities.
The Mysteries of John the Baptist
His Legacy in Gnosticism, Paganism, and Freemasonry
by Tobias Churton
The search for the real historical person known as John the Baptist and the traditions that began with him.
• Explores why John the Baptist is so crucially important to the Freemasons, who were originally known as “St. John’s Men.”
• Reveals how John and Jesus were equal partners and shared a common spiritual vision to rebuild Israel and overcome corruption in the Temple of Jerusalem.
• Explains the connections between John as lord of the summer solstice, his mysterious severed head, fertility rites, and ancient Jewish harvest festivals.
Few Freemasons today understand why the most significant date in the Masonic calendar is June 24th--the Feast of the Birth of St. John the Baptist and the traditional date for appointing Grand Masters.
Nor do many of them know that Masons used to be known as “St. John’s Men” or that John the Baptist was fundamental to the original Masonic philosophy of personal transformation.
Starting with the mystery of John in Freemasonry, Tobias Churton searches out the historical Baptist through the gospels and ancient histories, unearthing the real story behind the figure lauded by Jesus’s words “no greater man was ever born of woman.”
He investigates John’s links with the Essenes and the Gnostics, links that flourish to this day. Exposing how the apostle Paul challenged John’s following, twisting his message and creating the image of John as “merely” a herald of Jesus, the author shows how Paul may have been behind the executions of both John and Jesus and reveals a precise date for the crucifixion and the astonishing meaning of the phrase “the third day.”
He examines the significance of John’s severed head to holy knights, such as the Knights Templar, and of Leonardo’s famous painting of John. Churton also explains connections between John, the summer solstice, fertility rites, and ancient Jewish harvest festivals.
Revealing John as a courageous, revolutionary figure as vital to the origins of Christianity as his cousin Jesus himself, Churton shows how John and Jesus, as equal partners, launched a covert spiritual operation to overcome corruption in the Temple of Jerusalem, re-initiate Israel, and resurrect Creation.
ISBN-10: 1594774749
ISBN-13: 978-1594774744
Up-to-date member information
is critical for our Lodge to
keep in touch with you.
Please email or call
our Brother Secretary
to verify your information today.
(916) 412-1423
Or login to your account profile.
Your prompt assistance is appreciated.
Saturday, February 20 CANCELLED
Annual Ladies’ Luncheon - Wine Tasting
Thursday, March 25 POSTPONED
Past Masters’ Night
Third Degree: Brother Dave Stallberg
Thursday, April 01 CANCELLED
101st Anniversary of First Stated Meeting
at 1123 J Street • Special Dinner
Saturday, May 22
Annual Family BBQ Picnic
Thursday, June 24
Saint John’s Festive Board
Thursday, September 30
Annual Constitutional Observance Night
Thursday, October 28
First Responders Day Celebration
Saturday, November 06
Annual Ladies’ Night
* All event dates are subject to change
For more information, please visit WLN20.org/2021
Since July 2020, thousands of California Freemasons have already begun to access their portals in iMember 2.0, the new membership platform—one of the highest adoption rates of any grand lodge jurisdiction on the system. Yet with so many new features just a finger-swipe away—and many more being prepped for launch this fall—there are still lots of questions left to be answered, starting with some of the most basic.
How to Get to iMember 2.0
iMember 2.0 is designed to work on any mobile phone, tablet, or desktop or laptop computer with an internet connection. Simply visit member.freemason.org/lodges/20 or freemason.org and click the FOR MEMBERS button in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen. If you haven’t logged on yet, you’ll need to create an account, so have your email address, membership number, and a unique password ready to go.
You Can Download iMember 2.0 on Your Phone
Whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone, you can add a home screen shortcut to access iMember 2.0 quickly and easily. To install, use your web browser to visit the site, and select “Add to home screen.”
The exact placement of the button will depend on your web browser (Safari, Chrome, or Firefox).
More Features in the Works
• Digital Dues, Reminders and Payment Plans
• Expanded Social Networks with App Notifications
• New Ways to Share Resources
• One-Stop Shop for Hall Associations
• Keeping Track of Attendance
iMember 2.0 is available to all Masons in California!
For questions on iMember 2.0, contact Member Services at (415) 292-9180 or memberservices@freemason.org

Washington Lodge No. 20
2021 Officers
Francisco Marques
(916) 832-8357
Russell Tomas
Senior Warden
Nick Johnston
Junior Warden
Eric Hixson (PM)
Jesse Solis-Jacques (PM)
Bill Workman
Kyle Campbell
Assistant Secretary
Mauro Lara
Senior Deacon
Creston Whiting-Casey
Junior Deacon
Joe Wallach
Matt Mason
Senior Steward
Dave Minke
Junior Steward
Marty Buff
Floyd Tritt
Jared Yoshiki (PM)
Junior Past Master
D. Edward Entrican (PM)
Treasurer Emeritus
Luis Montero (PM)
Officers Coach
Dave Cameron (PM)
Head Candidates Coach
Michael Woo (PM)
Inspector 414th District
Secretary’s Office
(916) 412-1423